Here we are with another edition of the Kaizo contest. Like last time, it'll be open for a month, and the submissions must be posted in this thread. All entries must be posted in your file bin. A strong recommendation, however, is that you do not surpass 300 in-game seconds (around 4 minutes in total). There will be no collab this time.
Puzzle levels will be allowed, but if the puzzle in question is extremely complicated and/or takes an excessively long time to figure out, points will be deducted from the level design category.
1. All submissions must be in the form of an IPS/BPS patch. RAR files are not allowed. For instructions on how to create a patch, check the FAQ.
2. All entries must be possible to complete.
3. No pit levels. The reason is that only a few people know how to do most of the required tricks and glitches.
4. The entry will be instantly disqualified if is a corrupt patch, a ROM, or there is a segment that is impossible to get through.
5. All entries must be compatible with bsnes or SNES9x.
6. Your level may contain no more than 2 exits.
7. Do not lock your entry.
8. You may or may not be informed of game-breaking issues, so be sure to test your level and patch thoroughly.
9. Entries will not be downloaded until the deadline has been reached, so your link must be working at that time!
DEADLINE: All entries must be submitted by September 20th at 12:00:00 PM (EST).
There is no creativity and difficulty category as with the previous edition. This is because it's easier to differentiate whether a level is difficult or creative just by playing it; doesn't mean it shouldn't be any of them.
Creativity (30)
Did the entry display creativity? Did it display cool tricks, and put new spins on old ones, or does it contain a bunch of overused tricks and/or nothing interesting?
Level Design (40)
Was your level fun, well built or interesting? Does it have a consistent difficulty curve?
Aesthetics (10)
How does the level look like? Did it use decoration, map16 and custom palettes sparsely?
For a total of 80 points.
Graphical changes like tileset mixing are encouraged if you want full points in the aesthetical category. Even if the changes are only slight, they help to make the stage feel less cookie-cutter. ExGFX, on the other hand, is not going to be judged, and inserting an immense amount of ExGFX will likely distract from the level design.
Glitches are allowed, as long as they aren't really difficult to pull off and they are well known (i.e. "Big Mario in Small Gap" or the invisible Yoshi glitch). If you must, put in a message block explaining what glitch is supposed to be performed and/or how to do it. However, glitches that are complicated and tedious such as wall jumping/catching and corner clipping will lose you points in the level design category. These are usually frustrating and just not fun to try and do. If you have any questions about which glitches are acceptable, feel free to ask in the discussion thread.
On the other hand, if you're basically requiring the player to use frame advance for a majority of the level, then your level is a pit level and not a Kaizo level, and that will deduct points in the level design category.
Custom blocks and sprites may be used, but to a minimum. Putting in a couple custom blocks or sprites is alright, but they should not dominate your level's design. Also make sure that if you do insert them, use them in a fun way.
You can insert patches to prevent the use of already-existing glitches and/or to alter certain aspects of the game. Just be aware that some patches have the chance of causing technical issues and compatibility problems with certain emulators. They should also, again, not dominate the level design (SA-1 is fine, of course).
You may insert music into your level if you'd like, but it's not mandatory. If points are lost in the aesthetical category for something like graphical designs that are a bit off or unexciting, some of those points could be awarded back if the music choice is good, so it will only help. This won't happen though if the music is blatantly unfitting (as in, sky level music in a cave or ghost house music in grass plains); this could take away points from the aesthetical category by itself.
There will be trophies for the 1st place winner, 2nd place winner, 3rd place winner, and all other participants.




Please don't submit a level that you clearly put no effort into simply because you want the badge; you'll just be disqualified at sight.
Sadistic Designer
Remember, judges won't download the entries until the deadline has passed. You may fix/update and re-upload your entry as many times as you'd like before the deadline, but if you do, don't forget to edit your reply with the new download link.
If you have any questions or you want to discuss, feel free to post in the discussion thread. Good luck, have fun, and don't forget that you can always take a look at some of our Kaizo hacks in the SMW hacks section or the Kaizo subforum for inspiration!