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Location of Luigi graphics in SMAS+SMW

Just out of curiosity, where are the Luigi graphics stored in SMAS+SMW? I couldn't seem to find them. Does Lunar Magic not export them?
Luigi uses the same graphics that mario uses the only difference is that the palette is green rather than red. Here is a patch to have separate luigi graphics.
i believe theyre stored uncompressed in the ROM. so just open that up with YYCHR and you should find them

thebiob: he's asking about smas+smw, not smw
Originally posted by Ladida
i believe theyre stored uncompressed in the ROM. so just open that up with YYCHR and you should find them

I see! Thanks.

Originally posted by TheBiob
Luigi uses the same graphics that mario uses the only difference is that the palette is green rather than red. Here is a patch to have separate luigi graphics.

Unfortunately, that patch is not perfect because it only adds separate graphics for GFX32, so when Peach kisses Luigi and he blushes, Mario's face is overlaid onto him (here's what I mean; bottom is correct). That's an easy mistake to make though, since Luigi's GFX32 is right at the beginning of the SMAS+SMW ROM, but I can't find his GFX22 or GFX24 graphics (the ones that contain him blushing). Does anyone know where they are? Edit: Turns out the blushing sprites for Mario and Luigi in SMAS+SMW are actually the same, they're just not properly aligned for Luigi in the patch, which MarioFanGamer fixed below.
Is the lower shot from a in game shot or is it a mock up?

It seems to use the same sprite, as luigi's mustache is a different shape from Mario's yet they are the same in that image provided.

Maybe it uses a different sprite tile, but it's just a duplicate.
In other words: Luigi's face is, when he's blushed, the same as Mario's, just a bit shited to the top to adjust his face heigh.

Here is a small fix I just made:

org $03ACE6
JML CorrectYPos

	LDA $0DB3
	STA $00
	LDA #$00
	LDX $19
	BEQ .big
	LDA #$01
	ORA $00
	LDY #$4C
	LDA $7E
	STA $0300,y
	LDA $80
	CLC : ADC.l YDisp,x

; Smaller values means that the face
; is more shited to the top.
;small, big
db $01,$11	; Mario
db $01,$0F	; Luigi
I just tried out the patch. It gave a "This freespace appears to be leaked" error. I tried to apply it anyway, and this happens:

Try this one instead:

org $03ACE6
autoclean JML CorrectYPos

	LDA $0DB3
	STA $00
	LDA #$00
	LDX $19
	BNE .big
	LDA #$01
	ORA $00
	LDY #$4C
	LDA $7E
	STA $0300,y
	LDA $80
	CLC : ADC.l YDisp,x

; Smaller values means that the face
; is more shited to the top.
;small, big
db $01,$11	; Mario
db $01,$11	; Luigi

There are two things I forgot: The first one that I forgot to put an autoclean in front of the JML.

The second thing that the game determines the powerup number to set the index for both, the Y offset and tile number.
Since I also added a code to check the current character in play, the code uses the wrong values for the face tiles.
This one preserves the index when the powerup number is checked so the game uses the correct index for the tile number.

Edit: Fixed a small thing.
It works now, but I think you mixed up the small and big Mario/Luigi sprites.
Originally posted by smwln
It works now, but I think you mixed up the small and big Mario/Luigi sprites.

Well, dammit. Corrected it.

Edit: But I think there are more complications at it. >_<
It seems that the values for small Mario/Luigi apply to big Mario/Luigi instead.

Edit: I fixed it myself by editing the big Mario/Luigi blush graphic to be one pixel higher, and changing the values to

db $02,$11	; Mario
db $00,$0F	; Luigi

Edit 2: I just figured out that the Separate Luigi Graphics patch has an option for separate blushing sprites. I feel pretty stupid now. It's still misaligned by default, but that's not a problem for anyone who doesn't want to use the default SMAS+SMW Luigi graphics.