It's always nice to show some self-awareness, eh? We're all human here. (for the most part) And that means that each and every one of us has a certain trait of our personality that we either just plain dislike, or has caused trouble for us at some point in our lives. You probably already understand what I'm getting at, but in case you don't, some examples would be things like: greed, arrogance, stubbornness, bluntness (which can be a double-edged sword at times), etc. It doesn't have to be some huge thing—I'm not asking you to rant or to throw yourself out to the world—just so long as it's a negative part of your personality.
To start the thread out, I would say that a couple of my flaws are:
- Narcissism: Something I really haven't noticed until very recently. When I'm not paying enough attention to realize it, I seem to occasionally try and veer conversations in a direction that has something to do with me, even if it had nothing to do with me in the first place.
- Low Self-Esteem: Sort of contradicts the previous point, but at the same time they affect me in different, yet still negative, ways.
- Unconfrontationalism: Not always an absolutely terrible thing (as I have avoided quite a few useless fights because of it), but it's definitely been a pain in the ass when I actually have something worth arguing or fighting for, and I can't bring myself to do it.
* * *
I'll probably think of more as time goes on, but really, I'm more interested in hearing what you guys can come up with about yourselves.
There's a particular flaw I have, and it's that I have flaws.
Shyness and lack of confidence to do or say anything unusual (i.e. being funny) between people I don't know really well
Occasional bursts of low self-esteem
(btw this is not a shitpost-appropriate thread, do we need to put [SERIOUS] in the title)
Originally posted by Veck
bluntness (which can be a double-edged sword at times)
Not entirely...
But really, I'd say stubbornness is a big one. I'm willing to argue a point, but once I've made a point and I think my point is correct, I probably will accept no less than hard proof.
Also I'm sorta an asshole at times and I tend to take a joke too far.
Not letting stuff go-If something that seems unfair happens and I'm passionate, I've been known to harbor anger and be outspoken about it, desperately seeking transparency, even if it's too late to do anything about it Procrastination-Readily apparent with ROM hack releases. Also with job applications and searching as well. Shyness-Gotten a lot better as of late but I still sometimes have difficulty talking on the phone, particularly if I'm the one making the call.
Originally posted by Veck
- Unconfrontationalism: Not always an absolutely terrible thing (as I have avoided quite a few useless fights because of it), but it's definitely been a pain in the ass when I actually have something worth arguing or fighting for, and I can't bring myself to do it.
For me it's a lot easier to argue my point on the internet, tho on YT I will often mute responses if I anticipate vitriol.The definition of insanity is posting in my own hack thread(s) over and over and expecting a different result. Legacy custom music A site with a non-useless dislike button SMW hacking channel
Low self-esteem and confidence, as well as procrastination (latter could be linked to possible anhedonia, not sure)
Unstable personality and mood
Irritable/unnecessarily confrontational at times
Apathetic/stoic when in a bad mood
Acute social anxiety (borderline hikikomori rn)
Bursts of paranoia
Suicidal ideations
Self-destructive tendencies
Occasional bouts of sadism/extreme schadenfreude
Daddy issues (lol), probably the source of my issues with trusting cishet men (I'm working on that)
At my best I'm Zidane or Bartz, at my worst I'm Squall or pre-mental breakdown Cloud is what I'm saying
Occasionally reaching Terra levels at my most desperate
That's mental illnesses for ya
I also have an issue where I relate too much with fictional characters, probably related to social anxietyHack・Ports・ASM・"Uploader"
Originally posted by Noivern
(btw this is not a shitpost-appropriate thread, do we need to put [SERIOUS] in the title)
my post is actually serious, i can see how it can be misconstrued as a memepost but it's 100% serious
my personality consists of nothing but flaws; i'm a reclusive egotistical self-hating defensive oversensitive unhealthy sex-obsessed noncommittal memey edgelord not really worth the time of day
I have pretty overwhelming insecurities tied to how i think people perceive me. I am literally incapable of being roasted because I just cant help but take it personally. I literally removed my layout because MP gave it a 7/10, and could only put it back because koopster convinced me it was good. Just stuff like that all the time. I had pretty bad depression for a while, so I think my over-sensitivity is my body giving me an excuse to relapse again. but most of that stuff (and a few other things I'll spare you) i think is (are) tied to mental illness issues, so i dont know if they count as flaws. Feels good to get to say it though.
e: to clarify, i dont take criticism like that seriously when I can assure myself they have no ulterior motives beyond making a joke (I have my best friend to thank for that).
Ummm, yeah there are times where I push myself way too far to meet expectations. I always want to leave a good impression, and will disregard my own safety or personal feelings to achieve that.
I have no real ambitions or drive to achieve anything. I cant really envision my future, i moreso just feel complacent (daresay happy) with where I am (even if I know I should strive for more) and dont do anything about it.
I have a very, very hard time taking things seriously irl. When I am forced to deal with a situation without any humour i feel defenseless and very vulnerable. i get especially anxious when i feel im being confronted
(and ya if it counts for lion i have pretty bad daddy issues (and mommy issues (and friend issues (and personal issues (yah)))))ask me if i give a f*ck...
People see me as stupid idiotic and retarded when it comes to personality. I am popular in my old school even if its harassment.
So yeah my lifes like cirno, minus magic Hi, I'm a signature! Hack Thread Hack Testing Status: Available. Layout by Koopster.
I want to "have my cake and eat it too", as the saying goes. Not generally a bad thing, since it's often possible, but difficult for me to accept when its not.
I have difficulty standing up for what I feel is right.
I admire self sacrifice but have difficulty making sacrifices myself.
I have a general lack of courage.
Originally posted by Leomon
Low self-esteem and confidence, as well as procrastination (latter could be linked to possible anhedonia, not sure)
Unstable personality and mood
Irritable/unnecessarily confrontational at times
Apathetic/stoic when in a bad mood
Acute social anxiety (borderline hikikomori rn)
Bursts of paranoia
Suicidal ideations
Self-destructive tendencies
Occasional bouts of sadism/extreme schadenfreude
Yeah you're definitely my waifu now - or maybe my clone - because I feel you've summed up a lot of the issues I have as well.
As for what else I could add, I'm quite the perfectionist so if make a mistake - even minor - I tend to get upset and very apologetic. I tend to be apologetic for every little thing as well.
I can also take things way, way too seriously and I get very upset playing competitive video games by myself if I lose. It can ruin my day, and make me very apathetic as leomon mentioned.
I also tend to not let things go and have a tendency to hold on negative/bad/awful memories rather than positive things. One of the people who I thought was my best friend has left me with perhaps one or two happy memories and a whole lot more negative and awful memories.
My self-destruction is something I've been working on. You all saw that last week and I'm trying not to repeat that.
I could probably mention more later because I'm quite a pessimistic person when it comes to myself and am able to come up with all my flaws quickly, and ridicule and criticise myself harshly for them... and tend to forgive them completely in others.
EDIT: Oh, I don't know if this counts as a flaw, but I suffer from OCD which has caused me immense difficulties in the past and makes life and socialising very difficult.
Originally posted by BlackMageMario
Yeah you're definitely my waifu now - or maybe my clone - because I feel you've summed up a lot of the issues I have as well.
im already leod and nameless' fuck kitten what's a few more tbhHack・Ports・ASM・"Uploader"
Shyness (most of the time)
Severe procrastination (I have to work on it like soon)
Indecisiveness regarding certain situations
Bursts of low self-esteem and confidence
High expectations towards people I thought were worth talking to (more in real life than on the internet)
I think that's what I remember to have as flaws.
-serious trust issues. Probabky stemming from being treated like baggage by my classmates for most of my life, but I have difficulty letting anybody get past the level of acquaintance. I am always adamant about having no irl friends, even against all objections, because I truly feel like I dont.
-the more comfortable I get with people, the worse I tend to treat them. I think it's some sort of reflex, tryingn to keep people within my comfort zone, but I always find myself in he strange situation where people like me more when they know me less. Pretty much everybody I got to know over highschool hates me for something or other at this point. I've been called an unlikeable turd irl before.
-Self Loathing. It mingles with my apathy and sheer negativity in wierd ways. Like, I hate so much of my life, but also do t care enough to end it. My ego is fragile as glass when people hit home, but I can handle roasts no problem case I've thought worse about myself daily. I'm weird.
Basically I'm a horrible untrusting self loathing prick who has little to redeem himself beyond using himself and others as the butt of jokes.
And when you're lost, and out of time
I will be right here
- I don't like talking to people about hobbies or how I choose to spend my freetime, because I tend to just assume that they won't like me after I do
- I tend to procrastinate a lot and I'm lazy as fuck
- I have weird mood swings where one day I'm excited about anything and everything and then the next day I could just as easily have an existential crisis
- I'm bad at showing affection, I think it has a big impact on my social life and I don't know what to do about it
- I procrastinate quite a lot, especially with homework and chores, but I still get the job done, just at the last second.
- I tend to be pretty shy, thus being the reason why I don't have many friends.
- Passiveness is another rather annoying trait that I possess. Though it's good to be nice, I always tend to be a little "too nice". And as a result, I end up giving away items, like food I bought during lunch in school, to people who asked me for it, but they're usually people that I barely even know.
- Perfectionism. I always freak out whenever I get just a few answers wrong on a test or made a typo on a post. I also tend to go crazy if I said something that might sound stupid and people start laughing, thinking that I've completely ruined my reputation.Formerly known as nick 139 My YouTube channel
Trust issues and my sarcasm.
Not much else.
Low self esteem
ego complex
self destructive tendancies; I really like digging myself deeper into bad holes for whatever reason. Am I masochistic?
too trusting.