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Paradisum Insulam- Journey to Banquet Regality (FULL VERSION) by Vamperumbra

File Name: Paradisum Insulam- Journey to Banquet Regality (FULL VERSION)
Submitted: 2016-12-09 01:18:07 AM by Vamperumbra
Authors: Vamperumbra
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 25 exit(s)
Difficulty: Normal
Description: The wayfarer plumbers Mario and Luigi, and other comical comrades. Receive honorable invitation from prestigious potentate Peach, to plenitudinous feast called, "Banquet Regality." So Mario/Luigi must venture through Paradisum Insulam, meaning "Paradise Island." For dinner engatherment sanctioned at Peaches empyreal chateau.


If you didn't amiably play primitus, demo it was 18 exits

This ultimusly architecturized version has 25 exits.

Featuring, minuscule desolate desert coejunctioning isle to Paradisum Insulam itself.

New levels/Castles that finished hack!

-Silverstone Fortress


-Paradisum Pyramid



-Anecodtal Message!

-Caelestis Chateau
First things first, your grammar is really cute!

This hack starts really swell, but it goes downhill rather fast. You might actually want to change the difficulty to "Hard" next time you submit it, because it really picks up after the second castle. Sadly, the difficulty very often roots from very cheap setups and makes playing this hack more of a frustrating experience rather than challenging or fun. Something I'd like you to change a bit before sending it again.

(Note: middle-click those links to open new tabs for quick viewing)

> You've got a bunch tight jumps and claustrophobic design: 1 2 3 4
> Some setups that are borderline unmanageable: like getting through all of those enemies plus the smasher and killing this chuck without getting propelled to the lava pit
> And blind jumps, occasionally: 1 2
> Some of the map16 also seems screwy: tiny pipe tops are passable, there's a switch here for some reason, and these ship edges seem to pull me down in the corners

Non-recurring issues:
> In Powdered Cliffside, climbing this pipe without getting hurt by the venus inside it is impossible.
> The midpoint in Silverstone Fortress is not functional.
> Megalazar has a really weird level structure. There's a corridor with 3 rooms, where the first one gives me a midpoint and takes me back, the second one gives me absolutely nothing, and the third one actually gives me the item I need to get to the boss. I'm mostly bothered by the second room; you shouldn't leave red herrings like that. You should also at least specify that the first room only has a midpoint.
> I managed to softlock myself here without a P-switch
> This P-switch run is also extremely tight, and you don't really have any way to leave the room if you screw up other than by dying.

Minor stuff:
> Why does the map have no events except for like, the first level?? It's pretty strange. It would really make it look nicer if you could take your time to set them up.
> You've got quite a lot of secrets hidden by invisible coin blocks, like the ones above me. Granted, they're just secrets, but they're completely lacking of indication and rather counter-intuitive in my opinion. It's your choice to change this, though, as they're never required for completion.
> In some levels, some tiles aren't really consistent on whether they're solid or decorative. These columns exist as solid and non-solid in both levels without any palette distinction between the two types. However, it ultimately didn't feel very hard to distinguish them due to the level structure.


In summary, besides a few minor issues, this hack suffers mostly from lack of difficulty balance. It feels like it lacked playtesting, either from you or from somebody else. Some of the levels are just a real chore to play, which makes me question whether you've actually cleared them without the usage of tools (especially since you've tagged this as "Normal" difficulty).

Please read this paragraph from the Hack Submission Guidelines carefully, and make sure to take this in consideration when you resubmit this hack and submit any future ones.

The moderation process is not a substitute for beta testing and is only suitable for content that the author believes is ready for approval to SMW Central. You are responsible for finding a beta tester and/or playtesting the hack yourself. You are advised to make a thread in Works in Progress instead if you are seeking general feedback. Also note that unless your hack is of kaizo difficulty, you should playtest it without savestates.

Thanks for your time.
File Name: Paradisum Insulam- Journey to Banquet Regality
Submitted: 2016-12-13 01:31:11 AM by Vamperumbra
Authors: Vamperumbra
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 25 exit(s)
Difficulty: Hard
Description: The wayfarer plumbers Mario and Luigi, and other comical comrades. Receive honorable invitation from prestigious potentate Peach, to plenitudinous feast called, "Banquet Regality." So Mario/Luigi must venture through Paradisum Insulam, meaning "Paradise Island." For dinner engatherment sanctioned at Peaches empyreal chateau.

I indispensably fixed minuscule misconceptions in levels. Only problematic obfuscation, is events won't work in nexus overworld, "Main Area" They'd emanate as grotesque opaqueness. So in laconic elucidation, there is no events Main Area, Mario just has nonchalant escapade movement. XD

I'm rejecting this once again because while you fixed like half of what I said, you still missed some rather important things which shouldn't be that difficult to fix.

> You've got a bunch tight jumps and claustrophobic design: 3
> Some setups that are borderline unmanageable: like getting through all of those enemies plus the smasher and killing this chuck without getting propelled to the lava pit

Append to that this jump, which seems impossible and this one that also looks pretty impossible without the switches.

> And blind jumps, occasionally: 1

I realise there are coins here, but you'll always get them in your way up and they won't spawn again in the way back. An easy workaround is to insert them via map16.

You didn't fix the map16 at all; all you did was replace the pipes in the first level with land - other instances of that pipe in the hack show that the top is still passable.

> The midpoint in Silverstone Fortress is not functional.

> Megalazar has a really weird level structure. There's a corridor with 3 rooms, where the first one gives me a midpoint and takes me back, the second one gives me absolutely nothing, and the third one actually gives me the item I need to get to the boss. I'm mostly bothered by the second room; you shouldn't leave red herrings like that. You should also at least specify that the first room only has a midpoint.

Please either: specify in message form that the first and second rooms aren't necessary except for dragon coins and the first one holds a midpoint, or; change the numbered doors room (or scrap it) so you're forced to play them in order.
This structure is also present in the final castle - feels like you're just assuming that the player will always take the doors in order, which is obviously not true. It makes the other useless rooms feel really arbitrary.

You put a reset door now, but I still managed to get locked by hitting the blocks in an unfortunate way and being unable to jump up there... perhaps move the door to down there, previous to the angel block climbing?

Regarding overworld events - I'm assuming you're experiencing the blackness glitch? If so, try pressing CTRL+U in the overworld editor. Maybe you left the title screen recording ASM on?
File Name: Paradisum Insulam- Journey to Banquet Regality
Submitted: 2016-12-30 07:07:34 PM by Vamperumbra
Authors: Vamperumbra
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 25 exit(s)
Difficulty: Hard
Description: Mario and his congenial camaraderie band, are honorably invited to splendiferous engatherment, called Banquet Regality. By the prestigious potentate Peach withheld in her majestic acropolis. So Mario ventures through picturesque landscapes in Paradisum Insulam, meaning "Paradise Island," eventually reaching Banquet Regality.

NOTE: I didst necessitous reconstruction of overworld events, for topographical embarkment. Wouldst be perennially appreciatory if any individual venerably concurrences doing LETS PLAY on Youtube too. Cheers!
Since Koopster's last review, all you did was add overworld events; you haven't changed anything else as far as I can see, thus wasting my time. As I've told you, it's not a good idea to just ignore feedback. We only want to help.

I can give you the benefit of the doubt though and assume you submitted the wrong version, but either way, as I've told you countless times in the past, test your hack before releasing it, even if it's just an update. We're not beta testers. I'm not going to warn you again.

Everything Koopster said in his reviews still stands. If you try to fix them, (especially the softlocking issues), I'll be more than willing to accept this hack.

I'll also point out this one extra issue that cropped up, where the player can get trapped if they don't bring the spring board.

Don't let this happen again, thanks.