Lunar Magic custom toolbar thing
What exactly is this?
This is a tool that intends to make creating custom toolbars easier.
What does it do?
The tool will make it easier to create custom buttons, setting keyboard shortcuts as well as handling icons.
It also allows you to set up a lot of settings for the buttons/the toolbar itself

Sooooo.... uh download here I guess.
Oh I also made a small tool that gets rid of comments in GPS's block list and applies it. You can download it here
Edit: Now supports GPS argument format.
c <GPS> <arg1> <arg2> ...
<GPS> - Path to GPS
<argN> - Same arguments as the normal GPS would use. Note that a -l argument is required for the tool to properly find the list file to edit.
Also note that due to that change other tools like Sprite Tool Super Deluxe that support a similar format can also be used with this tool. Just put STSD's path instead of GPS.
If there are any 'File not found' errors try to use the full path as well as " before and after the path.
A batch that applies your blocks should look something like
c "C:\Users\-\Desktop\SMW\Tools\Gopher Popcorn Stew (Block Tool obviously)\gps.exe" -l "C:\Users\-\Desktop\SMW\NAPH\data\list.txt" "C:\Users\-\Desktop\SMW\NAPH\data\blocks/" "C:\Users\-\Desktop\SMW\NAPH\NAPH.smc"