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Mario's Late Christmas - Eh... I'm not feeling up to it right now, sorry...


Okay, so, here is the premise of the hack: Mario arrives late for Christmas due to a number of problems that he didn't specify. He then decides to compensate for that by distributing presents to the 7 nearby kingdoms. He will have to traverse through them while everything is trying to kill him. But of course, things aren't that simple: there is a mysterious force behind all of this, planning to get revenge on him. A mysterious being going by the alias of "E.G.G.", who rambles about sending his agents to stop Mario. The story is a work in progress, so expect changes.

And now, to the hack itself: I've started this like 4 days ago, and I already have a few things done, such as the replacement for Yoshi's House, the first level and the map for the first world. Also, have some screenshots:

First world (Pepperoni Island).

Outside of Yoshi's Mansion.

Inside of Yoshi's Mansion.

A little cutscene taking place inside Yoshi's Mansion.

As for the first level, I think it'd be best for me to show an actual video of it instead. Link.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback, really.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

That solid brown color of the rocks against the vanilla ground doesn't look all that pretty.

The color of ground is funky. Also the color of the exterior of Yoshi's mansion contrasts a little too much with the interior.

Are these the default palettes? If so they don't look fantastic. Assuming you're going for an icy look, you should use more vibrant blue colors.

Neat cutscene borders.

As for the video, its alright. The underground palettes look odd, especially the combo of mountains hills and cave layer 3. Also the invisible blocks (aside from the ones in the beginning) are kinda oddly placed. You should either remove them or make them dotted.

Interested to see where this goes.
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

Originally posted by Decoy Blimp
That solid brown color of the rocks against the vanilla ground doesn't look all that pretty.

Those were supposed to be like pepperoni-colored rocks, but alright. Changed it to a color that's more pleasing to look at.

Originally posted by Decoy Blimp
The color of ground is funky. Also the color of the exterior of Yoshi's mansion contrasts a little too much with the interior.

The ground is colored like that to match the map's colors. Basically the map is colored like a pizza pie (or at least was).

Originally posted by Decoy Blimp
Are these the default palettes? If so they don't look fantastic. Assuming you're going for an icy look, you should use more vibrant blue colors.

Yeah, those are the default palettes. Actually, those are the remains of the original plan for Yoshi's mansion: it was supposed to look like it was still on Winter.

Originally posted by Decoy Blimp
Neat cutscene borders.

Thank you. In case you want to know how I set my cutscenes up: the borders are on Layer 1, while the text is on Layer 3. This is much better to work with than having to Map16 space by creating each word using a custom font.

Originally posted by Decoy Blimp
As for the video, its alright. The underground palettes look odd, especially the combo of mountains hills and cave layer 3. Also the invisible blocks (aside from the ones in the beginning) are kinda oddly placed. You should either remove them or make them dotted.

Again with the food themed color palettes. I tried to make it look like what you'd see in food, but I failed. As for the invisible blocks, I'm going to change that right away. I'm going to rearrange their placement. As for your feedback, thank you. I appreciate it a lot. I really do.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

Originally posted by Lucas
Those were supposed to be like pepperoni-colored rocks, but alright. Changed it to a color that's more pleasing to look at.


Originally posted by Lucas
Again with the food themed color palettes. I tried to make it look like what you'd see in food, but I failed.

Actually now that I know this it doesn't look as bad. Though the colors could be modified a little bit.

People probably wouldn't understand the aesthetics and color schemes unless you state the reason. If you did before than I didn't notice.
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

Originally posted by Decoy Blimp
Originally posted by Lucas
Those were supposed to be like pepperoni-colored rocks, but alright. Changed it to a color that's more pleasing to look at.



And while we're at it, also this.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

The OW doesn't look all that different.

I like the Mansion palette though.
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

Okay, this took way longer than expected. Level 2 is complete. I've made one big change to the hack: it now uses a different status bar! I know, I know, it's the SMB3 that's been used in a lot of hacks, but I like it. Also it was the only one that worked in the ROM I'm using, so yeah. There's not much I can do besides that. Now, have some screenshots:

It's a water level! The background has a parallax effect on those ledge thingies.

This is about some screens ahead of the start. Yes, the first half of the level is based around the Rip Van Fish enemy.

This however is near the end of the level. The second half of the level is significantly shorter than the first one, considering this part is on land instead of underwater. You'll still have to dive to get one of the Yoshi Coins though.

And that's pretty much it for this level. I've made some small changes to the first level (mostly visual). I will show a screenshot of how it looks now:

(The background is divided within Layer 2 and 3, creating some sort of parallax effect)

Next up is Pepperoni Island 3 and Pepperoni Secret.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

Everything is brown and monotone. The Background is odd. I know your intentions but all these outlines and everything just look wrong. I'd advise you to make the Backgrounds stand out more. With darker colors and such.
btw the Cave Palette in general is too bright imo
// Layout by Maxo

I'm sorry but what on earth is that background? Please change that to something else.

The background looks very similar to the foreground, there needs to be more contrast.
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

Originally posted by LucasRCD
Pepperoni Secret.

vinesauce joel says hi

boi what is that background even...
the layer 2 and layer 3 Bg is nice, hope there are no message boxes.
Hi, I'm a signature!
Hack Thread
Hack Testing Status: Available.
Layout by Koopster.
Pepperoni Island 3 is done. Pepperoni Secret... not so much.

Start of the level.

Yes, this is the first level to feature a P-Switch. It doesn't do much in this level though, besides making coins appear...

...and this little door here too. This door leads you to the second Yoshi Coin (from now on they're officially called Yoshi Coins in my hack, just so I don't have to alternate between that and Dragon Coins).

This is roughly one screen after the midpoint.

I've made some changes to Pepperoni Island 2's background too.

And as a bonus, have this screenshot of a WIP custcene that'll be used for when you beat the castle level. It's still only a part of it, though, as the rest of the cutscene (and the entirety of the castle level, for that matter) hasn't been made yet.

Not pictured: Palette changes to Pepperoni Island 1, new bonus game.

Well, that's all for today. I hope I got the palettes right this time.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

It took me a month to do this, but the level Pepperoni Secret is finally here! I'll only say one thing before I post screenshots: This is the longest level in the hack yet with 4 sublevels of reasonable length. It's also the first vertical level in the hack. And without further ado, let's get into the screenshots:

The start.

A cave entrance? That can only mean one thing...

...a sublevel set in a cave with the dawn sky in the background. Not something you see everyday.

A pipe? Where does this lead to? Well... leads to a sublevel that uses Layer 2 lava that rises up and down. Also, I forgot to mention a thing: There'll be no bottomless pits until at least World 3. I promise.

I altered the graphics for the Spike Top enemies to make them resemble Buzzy Beetles a bit more.

This part of the level also has Piranha Plants.

Another one of those? Uh oh. That can only mean one thing...

...the level continues! And that was only the first half of it, there's a whole other half to it (which is a bit shorter than the first one though).

Behold: the first instance of Pitching Chucks in the hack! They only throw 2 baseballs at a time, by the way.

No, I did not get hit after taking this screenshot.

Oh no... Another one of these? You know the drill by now...

Another cave sublevel. Yay.

A P-Switch and a reset door? That can only mean one thing...

Yup, this sublevel is based around P-Switches. And no, it's not very long.

Another one of these, which leads to...

The first instance of Pokeys in the hack. This is also the "last" part of the level. However, I had to put the goal post in a horizontal sublevel, otherwise the results would be a bit weird. There's a pipe at the end of this short section, which leads to...

The very definitely final part of the level, which is 3 screens long and only has that Pokey as an enemy. How climatic.

Well, that was the level, folks. However, you may have noticed that there is a lack of Yoshi Coins in this level. Well, I'll explain why: for some reason or another, the ROM I'm building my hack on doesn't display Yoshi Coins in certain levels, thus it shows on the map that they've been collected, even though they weren't. The weird part is, when I tested the level where it happened at first (Pepperoni Island 2) on a patched BPS ROM, they were there. I'm just saying this to clarify things, okay? Okay.

Every level will have Yoshi Coins in them, except for castles, fortresses and (planned) postgame levels. I have a lot of ideas for this hack, and I hope you all get to enjoy it once I have enough levels ready. That's all I have for today, folks! Next up is Pepperoni Island 4.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

You've got a lot of really nice things going on here, I'm digging a lot of this.

Originally posted by LucasRCD

I'm especially a fan of this background. Loving the mix of cavern and sky.

If I have one piece of constructive criticism, it's the palettes of several of these foreground tilesets. I know how hard it is to get a smooth gradient between the surface and earth tiles on the underground tileset. It's a delicate balance between being too sharp and blending the colours together. I think there's a bit of a danger of the colours in the ground blending together in this case.

Originally posted by LucasRCD

Originally posted by LucasRCD

I think a greater difference between the lightest colour and the darkest color on the foreground earth tiles would really help the colours pop a little bit more. They look a little bit flat as it is currently. The lightest yellow (and red in the second screenshot above) transitions too subtly into the darker colours.

I'm not sure if this is just me though. There's a chance it's just me.

Other than that, some real top notch stuff here!
After a month without updates, I guess it's finally time to show some progress. This time, I present to you: Pepperoni Island 4!

The thrilling beginning.

A pipe? Where does it lead to? Well, only one way to find out...

It leads to an autoscroller cave level, the first one in the hack.

Oh yeah, Yoshi Coins. They exist. They don't disappear anymore, thanks to MarioFanGamer helping me with the SRAM Plus patch.

Now you see them... you don't!

Going in the pipe in the previous screenshot leads here. The midway point is to the left. The pipe to right leads to...

...a vertical level?

Nah, it's just another autoscrolling cave level. This time, the screen scrolls vertically!

Filler screenshot.

This part of the level has no ceiling. You could potentially cheese this part out, but then again, it's an autoscroller level. It's hard to do that in a level like this. Anyway...

Sneaky Yoshi Coin on the top right. Not pictured: steep slope antics right after that.

Very steep slope antics.

The thrilling ending.

Well folks, that's all for today. Next up is going to be the castle level for this world, Pepperoni Fortress.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

So uh, instead of making a post about the latest level I've finished, I've decided to instead post a demo of what I've done so far (in other words, a 1-world demo). However, I don't feel like it's polished enough to warrant a submission (no proper events, unfinished levels, etc.), so you can consider this an "unofficial demo" of sorts. Anyway, without further delay:

I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

I feel like this project hasn't been going anywhere lately... And it's true. I feel like this isn't the best I can do, and I'd rather move on to another project, something a bit more original than this. In other words, I'm done with this hack. Not like anybody cares, but whatever.
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.
