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It's been done.
My entry (Version 2.1)

My first VLCD participation. Hope that this will get a good rank.

UPD1: Level video

UPD2: Update submission and video URL.

UPD3: Update submission again. Too lazy to record a new video though.
Ruins of Grassland complete.

Last Updated : 2017/02/16

Reduce the length of the level.
Add more decorations.
I am yoshi9429 enjoying Lunar Magic and Touhou Danmakufu ph3 and RPG Maker MV.
Submission here:

This is the updated version 2.0 with a new, less annoying secret exit path and lots of little polish changes and bugfixes, mostly thanks to the fan judges and peeps who gave me useful feedback in my thread.
Blazeholic v2
Blazeholic v3 is done (bug fix)
Behold my masterpiece.

Starlight Symphony, Version 2.0, Final Version

EDIT: 3/2/2017 - Made some changes based on what people have said. This is mainly for S.N.N. to play and critique.
EDIT: 3/25/2017 - Changed some stuff based on SNN and FrozenQuills' advice. Thanks, everyone.
Unfortunately, I'm not very active on the site anymore like I was before; I'm mainly on Discord now. Thanks for understanding.
Bonus Switch Palace v5 #smw{:TUP:}

updated (20170219)
#smw{:peace:} #smw{:peace:} #smw{:peace:} #smw{:peace:}

sorry for frequent updates...

#thp{zzz2} Welcome to... Fort Exanguish. #thp{:s}

Edit: Link updated with Version 2 3b.

Version 3b: Enemy population of first area increased.
May or may not be final version, 5 days left after all.

Version 3: More map modifications, two new sublevels.
Palettes tweaked/diversified. Hopefully a little less ugly. Hopefully.

Version 2: All maps modified - Lengthening of main and secret exit submap + other layout changes.
Sinking ground submap and normal exit submap layouts have some changes.
Hopefully a .bps that won't be error-prone.

Version 1: Initial version.
Did you bring a light?
My level: Chocolate Tower.
Very short, but it's my first ever entry, so I tried my hardest #smw{...}
How do I make one of these again?
Dangerous Mission

Current version: 1.4

Update log:
Ver 1.4:
made SPOILER easier + some minor changes
very minor change in main level
changed palette in SPOILER a little
changed first message box text

Ver 1.3:
renamed the patch as it caused problems to some people
now using zip because 7-zip sux
toned down enemy spam
moved one of dragon coins elsewhere
changed second SPOILER position
second hidden door is now near the goal, behind where the last dragon coin is

Ver 1.2:
fixed SPOILER not working properly
(second hidden door)

fixed SPOILER being impossible
(death route)

fixed typo

Ver 1.1
Notes: fixed blank readme file

Ver 1.0
Notes: Initial version
After weeks of princess-kidnappings in a row, Mario has decided to take a little break and visit an old museum. Unfortunately for him, something about this place is a bit... off.
Perilous Paintings is my first VLDC entry, and my first level I've made in years. I don't expect to win any medals, but I'm fine with it so long as it doesn't hit the Worst World.
Clicky clicky to get the level!
Doin' a thing
here is my entry
layout by pirahnaplant.
the variety of chance is upon us, are you scared?

Twinkle Twinkle...
There will probably be no bugs. And NOT Kaizo

Fix 1 - You can go on a secret path.
Difficulty Level Down
+ Add Springboard to checkpoint
Fix 1.1 - Modified the bps file.
Fix 2 - Modified the level.
Here's Fort Koopa.
My current hack(s)

I can draw graphics, test and criticize hacks.
and a little asm too
forgot something in my last submission.
layout by pirahnaplant.
the variety of chance is upon us, are you scared?

I blame MetroidMst for this.

Update on Feb 17, 9:47 am CST.

I received a message saying the archive was corrupt, which apparently was...but wasn't? I dunno. Archive has been replaced with a .zip instead, but is not changed in any other form.

Update on Feb 27, 6:40 pm CST.

Few minor tweaks to the level that should make it easier overall.

Update on March 1, 9:06 pm CST.

Apparently it's a problem with beat, so the archive was updated with patches made with different tools. Also updated the level a tad.

Disclaimer: There's a reason I don't do level design. I did this as a favor to a friend. If people like it, ok. If people hate it, ok.
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