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pretty short level lol, I hope it's enjoyable.

Subway Madness

inb4 i forgot something/i fucked up

little surfing + castle level with an incredibly vague fire emblem rekka no ken theme

edit: it sucks less now i hope
Anomalous Apparatus is (should be finished)
Here, have an ice level with a bit of water in it. Maybe it's enjoyable.

The Frigid Fort
Porting music is like walking down a street. Sometimes it goes nicely and sometimes you wANT TO STAB SOMEONE IN THE HEAD DUE TO HOW HARD TH IS IS
Cave Island Fixed music and one platform not showing up.

I'm not that good at level design, but here's my hack? Don't expect an overworld.
Don't play this it sucks.

Replacement: Spike-Top Cave (Left of Yoshi's House)

Levels 105, 106, and 1F0 have been modified (on accident :3), but are not used, so I did not include them.
well what world will this be sorted into.

Rhino's bubbles
Edit: updated the level

Plundersome Pyramid
Switch: SW-2766-9108-9399Twitter: @Vine_STYouTube: that ivy guy
O r d i n a r y ! !

level #4, #5, #6, #9, #A, #B, #C are modified but they are not used in gameplay

this is 5th fix of my last post (2nd fix still has some oversight and 3rd is time-fixed, 4rd has castle ground + thwomp error oversight and little fixes)

+fixed the file as zip

hopefully this isn't worse
insert time jokes here
e: applied changes I discussed ages ago in my thread
I really need a layout. :<
i hope i lose

last updated: 03/27

Any and all fan judging/criticizing greatly appreciated!

Edit: new version of the level
Edit2: even newer version and post

This is actualy my second published non-kaizo level and first smw level made after 3 years. Hope you like it!

EDIT Updated the entry with some minor cutoff fix
Cerulean Cave (ver 5), also known as kaizo mario world level 3

e: updated, thanks to all who gave me the feedbacks!
fine tuning is everything
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