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FIR Filters for use in AMK

AdvancedCustom MusicTool-Specific


35.7% (5 votes)
14.3% (2 votes)
21.4% (3 votes)
28.6% (4 votes)
FIR Filter
Based on poll feedback this will just house some FIR Filters.
For official we're only adding "more popular" filters, generally speaking I'm more interested in newer filters such as those you may have made.

Official Filters:
$00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 [No sound]
$7F $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 [Default]
$34 $33 $00 $d9 $E5 $01 $FC $Eb [NSPC Band/High Pass Filter]
$58 $BF $DB $F0 $FE $07 $0C $0C [NSPC High Pass Filter]
More Extreme

$FF $08 $17 $24 $24 $17 $08 $FF [SMW Low Pass Filter]
*$0C $21 $2B $2B $13 $FE $F3 $F9 [NSPC Hall Filter]
*$0d $22 $22 $24 $11 $F0 $03 $FF [Motoi Sakurabai Filter?]
There seems to be similar filters with $0b but it may simply be a derivative of one of these.

Other Filters:
Most of these are my filters, tell me yours so we can add them.

$66 $09 $FC $FE $05 $04 $FF $00 [Generic Filter]
$40 $40 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 [Slightly Attenuated Filter]
$50 $C9 $FE $18 $0d $F6 $2A $d6 [Brightness Filter]
$10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $0F [Underwater Filter]
$1b $17 $15 $13 $0C $0b $FE $Fb [Hall Filter 1a]
$18 $16 $10 $0F $08 $16 $F8 $FF [Hall Filter 1b]
$23 $22 $1C $20 $13 $FF $FC $F8 [Hall Filter 2]
$20 $10 $20 $F4 $18 $08 $FC $F8 *[Stereo Filter]
$78 $F8 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 [Subtle High Pass] : musicalman

*Not meant for use with surround MVOL/EVOL.

Additional Reading:

Wiki: Dolby Matrices for Surround Sound
Snes Music: Research Them SPCs!
FIR Filter Overview
More Wiki: Echo

Additional Items:
Audacity Demonstration of SNES Outputs.
SPCs for "Wave Properties" and MVOL/EVOL.
FIR Filter and Echo. Need to read this again.

Criticism, constructive or not, is appreciated. If clarification is needed I shall do my best to improve the offending issue.

EDIT: 08/02/2020
Removed prior edits. Added another filter. Fixed slightly attenuated filter ($60 $60 overflows, probably a typo.)
Renamed each Hall Filter. 1a being the newest added filter. 1a and 1b have similar responses, hence the A and B. 2 is the "Old Hall Filter."

EDIT: 01/14/2020
Shortened post based on poll. Need help removing poll. Added a filter. Edit log prior to 2020 is set for deletion.

AdvancedCustom MusicTool-Specific