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Super Mario World Music Hack by RobloxProMario


I should have something witty to put here (even if it's just to update dated info), shouldn't I?

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File Name: Super Mario World Music Hack
Submitted: Jun 12, 2017 11:00pm by RobloxProMario
Authors: RobloxProMario
Demo: Yes
Featured: No
Length: 6 exit(s)
Difficulty: Easy
Description: Hey! This is only in alpha so expect there to be typos (if possible)
- This is exactly what it says on the tin- nothing more than a minor edit of the standard SMW with music replaced for the levels, goal, death, etc.

- The "screenshots" you submitted aren't really gonna cut it. Submit actual screenshots taken from the emulator. Customize your hotkeys in your emulator's options and map a key to take screens.
- Also, you submitted a ROM, which is an automatic rejection anyway. Submit hacks as BPS files.

Additional reading:
Creating a Patch