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Kay , so mario world by dynastylobster

File Name: Kay , so mario world
Submitted: 2017-06-25 10:21:12 PM by dynastylobster
Authors: dynastylobster
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 2 exit(s)
Difficulty: Kaizo: Light
Description: my attempt at making a light kaizo hack , so yes , this hack WILL be full of bull crap cheapness , but I decided to go the route where the word "easy" doesn't mean "fair" , so this hack isn't extremely hard , but is is very frusterating to the average player.

is it any good by kaizo standards?
REJECTION: Kay , so mario world

1. General introducing thoughts
2. Negative
3. Summed up reasons for my decision


1.) General introducing thoughts:

A short hack that claims to be light kaizo, because of its unfairness. But there´s one thing you should take to heart:
"Divide et impera"
"Divide and force"
Why do i quote this? Because there are 2 natures of difficulty. An acceptable one and an inacceptable one. Sadly the hack provided the latter. Also since the hack only has 2 exits my review is going to be quite short, too.

2.) Negative:

2)A) Unfairness:
As said before there are 2 natures of unfairness. The first one is to provide obstacles, where you have to react so fast a normal player would naturally just die, because he´s not able to react fast enough. If a hack is based on such "unfairness" it is considered to be kaizo.
Sadly this hack provided an other kind of unfainress:

I know i can discern them, because the "hurting coins" are upside down. As well as the "fake wall" is upside down,too, but changing graphics and giving them unreasonable act-as-properties doesn´t add any difficulty. It only causes frustration, so don´t use this cheap method to make your hack "harder" than it is.

The same applies for these ground-tiles, too.

2)B) Overworld issues:
2)B)a) Events:
If your "Yoshi´s Island 1"-replacement uses a secret exit please adapt the events in the OW-editor, too so the paths are revealed correctly.

2)B)b) Original Levels:
Also if you only want to make a 2-exit-long hack, but you use the original SMW-OW please make sure i cannot access the original SMW-Levels. Original SMW-Levels shouldn´t be a part of your hack.

2)B)c) The level names:
Also there are 2 things about your level names:
1st: spell them correctly ["precise" not "pricise"]
2nd: avoid rude language [like "bullsh..." - i know you´ve censored it, but still you simply shouldn´t use such words]

2)C) Additional advice:
And maybe you want to refrain to give such pointless advices [This is only my suggestion, though. It wasn´t the rejection´s main-reason obviously]:


3.) Summed up reasons for my decision:

- Unfairness
- Overworld issues

For a more detailed explanation for my rejection read point 2. I also like to emphasise that i only described/depicted several examples. There could be found more things, but i assume this justification for the rejection is sufficient.

I have to admit this hack is a great lesson to teach people the difference between "unfair" and "unfair unfair". Too bad this hack included the latter unfair, which made me reject it.

Even Kaizo Hacks should have solid level design in this day and age. Unfair graphic/act-as-properties aren´t solid level design, though.