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Staff Status

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Alcaro has resigned, citing disagreements with some of the administrators.
randomdude999 has been removed from the ASM Manager position due to inactivity. Erik will be replacing him. randomdude will remain as an ASM Moderator.

(FPzero edit: Clarified that randomdude was still part of the staff team.)
Veck has been promoted to the staff team as a Public Relations man and Forum Moderator.
MrDeePay and Sonikku have been demoted due to inactivity.
RPG Hacker has resigned, citing lack of motivation and focus.
Telinc1 has resigned from his position as ASM Manager as he has a lack of time due to all of his other site responsibilities, as well as for personal reasons. He will remain as ASM Moderator and as site coder.
Maarfy has been promoted to ASM Manager to replace telinc.
Sephazon has been promoted to the Public Relations team. He will be in charge of Youtube content.
Blind Devil and Meirdent join the staff team as ASM moderators.
BeeKaaaay and atari2.0 join the staff team as non-kaizo SMW hack moderators.
Scrydan and Ryaa join the staff team as forum and Discord moderators.
1UPdudes has been promoted to staff. He remains Discord moderator with no additional duties.

Y_ans, bebn legg, and Adeleine have been promoted to non-staff Discord moderators. This is a trial run; if they do well, they will eventually become staff.

Katerpie has stepped down from Public Relations, citing a lack of interest and free time.
Erik has stepped down from Public Relations, citing a general disconnect with the community and lack of involvement with the position. He remains ASM manager.
Hinalyte has resigned from Administrator, due to college shifting his priorities.
FPzero has been promoted to Administrator in his wake.
queueRAM has been demoted due to inactivity.
Deeke has been promoted to Graphics Moderator.
The last wave of Discord Mod's trial run has come to an end - both Adeleine and bebn legg have been promoted to Moderator, and Y_ans will not be staying as Discord Moderator. We thank him for his contributions!
Ryaa has stepped down from Forum Moderation duties due to a lack of personal focus on the Forums, but remains a Discord Moderator and Staff member.
randomdude999 has been promoted to a developer. Alongside his ASM moderation duties, he will also work on site coding together with Telinc1.
A few big changes today:

-We are making Discord Moderators into a branch of the Public Relations Team. Moderating our Discord is basically another branch of our Public Relations, so it makes sense to incorporate them as part of PR. And to be completely honest, they are functionally PR Team members already since some of them have taken the lead on recent events, so this is more just a visual update than anything else. This means that 1UPdudes, Adeleine, bebn legg, Eevee, Erik, Giftshaven, Ryaa, and Scrydan have all been made into PR Team members.
-Similarly, we are now going to incorporate Forum Moderators under the PR Team going forward. This doesn't actually change any positions for any current Forum Moderator, as they were already on the PR Team or are becoming PR members because they were Discord Moderators too.
-To go along with this change, and to act on feedback received from the Discord Mods themselves, we are promoting Ryaa to the new position of Discord Team Leader. He will have the ability to Manage Channels in our Discord, making it easier for our moderators to do their jobs in the server without having to get admins to handle back-end duties for them.
-Until now, FPzero and Impetus had split the PR Team Leader duties into two categories: Public Relations and Site Events. After re-evaluating the split roles, we decided that we overlapped into each others' assigned duties commonly enough that the split was not necessary. Therefore, we are changing the function of PR Team Leader to incorporate both roles, and simply having the both of us as two PR Team Leaders. This shouldn't have any functional change in how we handle things on PR Team, but it will now accurately reflect how we've been operating recently.
-Noivern is dropping his Discord Moderator, Forum Moderator, and Hack Moderator duties because he has a decreased amount of free time with his current job.
-Berk is resigning as Graphics Moderator, citing a lack of involvement and interest.
Dakras Hayashi has been promoted to Graphics Moderator.
randomdude999 has stepped down from ASM duties due to lack of motivation, but remains a developer for the site and a Staff Member.
KKevinM has been promoted to ASM moderator.
K3fka has been promoted to ASM moderator.
dtothefourth has been promoted to Tool Moderator.
bebn legg has been added to the SMW Music Moderation team, displaying a vast knowledge of porting as well as desire and ability to pitch in to remoderation.
Upon reviewing behaviour complaints from multiple staff members, LadiesMan217 has been demoted for misusing staff privileges, creating an uncomfortable working environment for other staff members and repeatedly exceeding the boundaries of appropriate content in staff channels. However, we thank him for his work as music moderator.
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