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Lunar Magic suggestions and discussion (LM v3.51)


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Originally posted by FuSoYa
Originally posted by Hammerer
I think it would be cool a possibility of setting the Super GFX Bypass to read the bin files in other folders than only the ExGraphics one, so people could even create subfolders in ExGraphics to organize the gfx better, because for bigger hacks it's used a lot of gfx and it gets a mess in ExGraphics, being the only folder to load all the gfx.

That could get messy in a different way. You would no longer be able to easily tell which graphics file numbers you've already used by just looking in a single folder... you'd have to look in LM instead. And it opens up the possibility of someone using the same number more than once by accident, which means LM would have to throw errors at you for those duplicate files that it's not going to insert.

As a solution, would it be possible to add support for a "map" text file inside the ExGFX folder that maps filenames and/or paths to ExGFX numbers? That would also provide the added benefit of allowing users to use more-readable names for their ExGFX files. Users often already do something along these lines to help keep track of which files contain what, anyway. And if the mapping file is missing or doesn't contain a particular ExGFX file number, LM could just look for the file using the original method.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
It's possible, but it's an extra step for the user to keep that file up to date. And it might get confusing if they don't keep it up to date.

The other possibility I had been considering a few years ago would be to still have one folder, but only the first part of the filename would have to be ExGFX###... the rest of the filename excluding the extension could be whatever you want. LM would still have to throw errors for duplicate numbers, but you could still easily see just by looking in the folder which ExGFX numbers you've used.
Originally posted by FuSoYa
It's possible, but it's an extra step for the user to keep that file up to date. And it might get confusing if they don't keep it up to date.

The other possibility I had been considering a few years ago would be to still have one folder, but only the first part of the filename would have to be ExGFX###... the rest of the filename excluding the extension could be whatever you want. LM would still have to throw errors for duplicate numbers, but you could still easily see just by looking in the folder which ExGFX numbers you've used.

I see the idea of free names for ExGFX files as a nice possibility in theoretical terms, since the detail of real names would be more explanatory and personal than numbers which can easily get confusing, mixable and forgettable. But probably it wouldn't be practical to deal with full names on LM interface; the number system is more properly with this in mind.

Originally posted by Thomas
As a solution, would it be possible to add support for a "map" text file inside the ExGFX folder that maps filenames and/or paths to ExGFX numbers? That would also provide the added benefit of allowing users to use more-readable names for their ExGFX files. Users often already do something along these lines to help keep track of which files contain what, anyway. And if the mapping file is missing or doesn't contain a particular ExGFX file number, LM could just look for the file using the original method.

So yes, it seems to me a nice option to go to implement the map text file idea, something mimicking what most usual tools use to do, being this a more personal way to organize gfx files according what the producer wants and needs; my suggestion would be to set the bin files with any name for getting clearer the function of the gfx file; as well as a sprite file for a Hammer Bro surely will get named as 'hammerbro.cfg' etc., a gfx file containing some ghost house foreground could be named 'ghosthousefg.bin' or something like that, and according the list text purpose, people could insert that in the .txt like this, assuming the slot wanted for the gfx is 82:

82 ghosthousefg.bin

And for organization purporses, ExGFX could have the subfolders support as I've suggested and these tools have. So people could organize it the way they would want - folders for separating 2BPP and 4BPP graphics, foreground and background, layer 1, 2 and 3 etc. For example:

82 [ExGFX/]foreground/ghosthousefg.bin
83 [ExGFX/]background/ghosthousebg.bin

And well, it doesn't seem to be necessary to include the 'ExGFX' part on files names, it would only make the name get bigger and less practical. Also, assuming people have a full list.txt to manage all the bin, it would be easier to know what each gfx file have just by checking on it. So, with the map list file open and LM too, the person simply verifies the file to be inserted and it's done, like if it would be on Add Manual Sprite, but on Super GFX Bypass itself instead.

That doesn't need or have to replace the current gfx load system - it can be a second way to insert gfx along with the current. So if your hack is simpler and you won't get confused with a lot of bin files in ExGFX, you can just use all gfx in the main folder as it is; and if your hack is bigger and greater, you go on to create subfolders inside ExGFX along with the list.txt or something like, inserting the bin files with custom names to recognize them right away, like if you would be dealing with some pixi or gps. And you see: as the own producers created the map file, naming all gfx on their own, they would be capable of mantaining it up to date.
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I know that LM is your tool and i respect your desicion to make it closed source.
But do you think that asm stuff can be open source or have better documentation?
A lot of times i have issues because i wanna do something but exists a LM hijack that cause issues then i must try to dissaembly it to understand it and try to modify that. Would be very nice if ASM code could be public.
I know that there are some LM hijacks with descriptions but it is not enough.

Also do you think that LM can have more options to disable or enable features? there are features that i prefer code them by myself, i know that vram patch can be enable or disable, but would be nice have more options like that.

Also would be nice to setup differents snes modes per level and allow to config vram space/tilemap size/tilemap space in vram for each layer, currently if i wanna use something like mode 0, mode 6 or use mode 7, i must hijack some stuff and also be very careful with vram patch, also i must transfer graphics with a level asm or things like that, would be nice make this something configurable in LM.


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Originally posted by Hammerer
I see the idea of free names for ExGFX files as a nice possibility in theoretical terms, since the detail of real names would be more explanatory and personal than numbers which can easily get confusing, mixable and forgettable. But probably it wouldn't be practical to deal with full names on LM interface; the number system is more properly with this in mind.

Well yeah, I wasn't planning to show the file names in LM.

Originally posted by Hammerer
And for organization purporses, ExGFX could have the subfolders support as I've suggested and these tools have. So people could organize it the way they would want - folders for separating 2BPP and 4BPP graphics, foreground and background, layer 1, 2 and 3 etc.

Nothing is technically stopping me from looking through subfolders with the ExGFX filename prefix method either though, other than not being sure about subfolders being a great idea for organizing them.

A map file would give you a bit more flexibility in filenames with being able to drop the ExGFX### prefix + file extension and having one place you can check ExGFX numbers, but that's about it. And comments perhaps.

Either way could be done I suppose, but not really sure which would be best.

Originally posted by anonimzwx
A lot of times i have issues because i wanna do something but exists a LM hijack that cause issues then i must try to dissaembly it to understand it and try to modify that.

Remember, modifying LM's ASM hacks isn't supported in the first place. You're mostly on your own when you get to that stage, but I'm pretty sure you already have the skills needed to figure things out.

Originally posted by anonimzwx
Also do you think that LM can have more options to disable or enable features? there are features that i prefer code them by myself, i know that vram patch can be enable or disable, but would be nice have more options like that.

That's already been rejected before.

Originally posted by anonimzwx
Also would be nice to setup differents snes modes per level and allow to config vram space/tilemap size/tilemap space in vram for each layer, currently if i wanna use something like mode 0, mode 6 or use mode 7, i must hijack some stuff and also be very careful with vram patch, also i must transfer graphics with a level asm or things like that, would be nice make this something configurable in LM.

Most of that is currently outside the scope of LM.
For the new "clear level data" command, could we also get an option to set a custom palette for all of the (otherwise) cleared levels? That would be useful for hacks that use a base palette that isn't the vanilla one, like anything SMAS-based.


I'm working on a hack! Check it out here. Progress: 64/95 levels.
Take a look at this.

I have a vision impairment, and, in its current state, Lunar Magic's UI hurts my eyes, especially when I'm trying to work on levels like the one in the screenshot. Could you please allow users to adjust the tools fonts and enable a Dark Mode?
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Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
Originally posted by imamelia
For the new "clear level data" command, could we also get an option to set a custom palette for all of the (otherwise) cleared levels? That would be useful for hacks that use a base palette that isn't the vanilla one, like anything SMAS-based.

I'm not sure how often that would get used. But I'm sure you could create a patch to do the same thing.

Originally posted by Gamma V
I have a vision impairment, and, in its current state, Lunar Magic's UI hurts my eyes, especially when I'm trying to work on levels like the one in the screenshot. Could you please allow users to adjust the tools fonts and enable a Dark Mode?

Excluding the level rendering area, the UI font size and colors are controlled by Windows. In Windows 10 right click on the desktop, hit "Display Settings", and under Scale and Layout increase the % setting to something larger. Then restart LM (though you may find it better to log out and back in).

As for colors, Microsoft removed the original "Window Color and Appearance" control panel in Windows 10 but I believe there's a third party program out there that you can use to still change the same things (as it's just registry settings). Or you can try the "High Contrast Black" theme in Windows.

Though given how you'll be looking at brightly colored levels anyway, you'd probably be better off just adjusting the gamma/brightness of your monitor instead. You may also be able to adjust that via software, NVidia cards for example have settings for it.
I was just noticing that when you first open the Super GFX Bypass dialog, and then try to open the 8x8 editor, it will not open until you first close the Super GFX Bypass dialog. However, if you have the 8x8 Editor open already, and THEN open the Super GFX Bypass, it works, so both can be open at the same time.

I was curious if there was a reason for this?

If not, a minor suggestion would be to simply allow both to open when either is already opened.

Originally posted by Mapsking
I was just noticing that when you first open the Super GFX Bypass dialog, and then try to open the 8x8 editor, it will not open until you first close the Super GFX Bypass dialog. However, if you have the 8x8 Editor open already, and THEN open the Super GFX Bypass, it works, so both can be open at the same time.

I was curious if there was a reason for this?

If not, a minor suggestion would be to simply allow both to open when either is already opened.

That's just because the Super GFX Bypass disables interaction entirely with the main LM window while the 8x8 editor does not. Pretty much all of LM's "setting" dialogs do this, graphical editors like the 8x8 editor are more the exception rather than the rule. I think the main reason LM locks those windows is because refreshing all of its data when e.g. switching levels requires some work to make sure the data stays synchronized.

That said, LM does include a button for opening the 8x8 editor in the ExAnimation dialogs, so maybe something similar could be done in the GFX bypass? Or alternatively it might be worth looking into lifting the lock restriction and allowing the user to have as many of the settings windows open at once as they want.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Originally posted by Thomas
That said, LM does include a button for opening the 8x8 editor in the ExAnimation dialogs, so maybe something similar could be done in the GFX bypass? Or alternatively it might be worth looking into lifting the lock restriction and allowing the user to have as many of the settings windows open at once as they want.

More so than that, it would be cool if the GFX Bypass had a "Preview" button that lets you see the contents of a selected GFX file. More practical than just having to go to the (Ex)Graphics folder and opening the file in YY-CHR.

Also completely unrelated, but re: this post. Did you ever come to a conclusion about implementing Kevin's patch to LM directly?
And on that same note, what's the process that, eg. Vitor took when it came to approaching you for a "big" feature for LM? I ask because I am working on a patch related to how graphics are stored in the ROM and I thought maybe it could do for a useful LM feature. Not sure if just e-mailing you about it is enough or if you have a more "formal" process lol. It's pretty far in development already, but there are still some details in which I could use your help because it requires modifying some LM code -- assuming you are even interested. I can e-mail you the details.
(and honestly, I got stuck in the ExAnimation part of it because some offsets need to be changed and idk how lol)
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Originally posted by Erik
More so than that, it would be cool if the GFX Bypass had a "Preview" button that lets you see the contents of a selected GFX file. More practical than just having to go to the (Ex)Graphics folder and opening the file in YY-CHR.

Actually, LM already does sorta have that, since v3.30 there's an "Edit" button next to the GFX file setting that will open up the selected file in your preferred GFX editor (configured in the "File -> Graphics -> Setup Tile Editor..." menu).
(also a fan of this for quickly skimming all your ExGFX files)

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Do I want GFX FG4 BG4 to update?
Originally posted by Thomas
Actually, LM already does sorta have that, since v3.30 there's an "Edit" button next to the GFX file setting that will open up the selected file in your preferred GFX editor (configured in the "File -> Graphics -> Setup Tile Editor..." menu).

oh yeah i forget that exists lol
idk i kinda wish it were in lm itself, but it does the job :P

Now that I was reviewing it, perhaps it could allow the user to set a custom color for transparent instead of defaulting to blue?
Originally posted by PixelFhacks
Do I want GFX FG4 BG4 to update?

You mean adding the slots commonly known as BG4 and BG5?
FuSoYa has already stated he has no plans for that in the past (1 - 2). And honestly, given the sacrifices in VRAM layout required to make it work (either killing one or both of SP3/4 or halving/erasing layer 3), I'm not sure it will ever be feasible.
Or you could have a fully dynamic layer 3 maybe, but I think the amount of free RAM required for that is extremely overkill.

I have just noticed this. Is there some LM thing I don't know about which turns off/toggles the "Standard GFX Bypass Dialogs" setting automatically? Very often I find the GFX Bypass window changing outta nowhere. And I mean, it's not that I'm not going to the settings and toggling it manually, I only do that when I notice it has been magically turned off.
So short of LM having a shortcut for it I keep accidentally toggling or my LM being haunted by an entity which hates the "new" dialog, I have no explanation for this and perhaps you could guide me on what is happening lmao
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Originally posted by Erik
Also completely unrelated, but re: this post. Did you ever come to a conclusion about implementing Kevin's patch to LM directly?

Oh, I haven't gotten around to looking at it yet. It's not exactly high priority since anyone can already apply that patch if they want.

Originally posted by Erik
And on that same note, what's the process that, eg. Vitor took when it came to approaching you for a "big" feature for LM? I ask because I am working on a patch related to how graphics are stored in the ROM and I thought maybe it could do for a useful LM feature. Not sure if just e-mailing you about it is enough or if you have a more "formal" process lol. It's pretty far in development already, but there are still some details in which I could use your help because it requires modifying some LM code -- assuming you are even interested. I can e-mail you the details.
(and honestly, I got stuck in the ExAnimation part of it because some offsets need to be changed and idk how lol)

There isn't really a formal process since it doesn't happen that often, but just sending me an email would be best, and we'll see if it's something I'd be interested in. #ab{:)}

Originally posted by Erik
Now that I was reviewing it, perhaps it could allow the user to set a custom color for transparent instead of defaulting to blue?

If you disable the default blue option, it'll just be set to whatever the background color is for the level, so you can already customize it in that sense.

Originally posted by Erik
I have just noticed this. Is there some LM thing I don't know about which turns off/toggles the "Standard GFX Bypass Dialogs" setting automatically? Very often I find the GFX Bypass window changing outta nowhere. And I mean, it's not that I'm not going to the settings and toggling it manually, I only do that when I notice it has been magically turned off.
So short of LM having a shortcut for it I keep accidentally toggling or my LM being haunted by an entity which hates the "new" dialog, I have no explanation for this and perhaps you could guide me on what is happening lmao

There is a keyboard shortcut for it (Shift-F4). You can use the usertoolbar.txt file to remap that shortcut to nothing if it turns out you're hitting it by accident somehow (or maybe your shift key is sticking).

Also, this might be better as a poll someplace, but... which do people prefer? LM's current toolbar, or the flat style you see with the v6 common controls?

I'm not much of a fan of the flat toolbar myself, but thought I'd check just to see.
I noticed a minor bug perhaps, so I wanted to mention it. In the help for the Palette Editor window, the instructions say
"If you just want to quickly copy an existing color without going through a color dialog, you can hold down the control key and left click on the color you want to copy (which also places the 15 bit SNES color on the windows clipboard as text). Then just control-right click wherever you want to paste the color. To copy or paste an entire row, hold down alt as well."

The version in the palette editor itself says,
"Ctrl-left click to copy to windows clipboard, and Ctrl-right click to paste. (Add Alt for entire row).

While you do need to hold Ctrl+left click to copy a color, you don't actually need to hold Ctrl+right click to paste the color. It works with a normal right click. It does kind of make sense, since a right click is paste basically everywhere in LM, but it differs from what the instructions say. I should note that copying an entire row and pasting it does work as expected.

Also, not to be nitpicking, but "windows" should be capitalized to Windows.

It doesn't seem to affect anything else, when pasting in a color without Ctrl being held, but I don't know that for a fact.

Originally posted by FuSoYa
Also, this might be better as a poll someplace, but... which do people prefer? LM's current toolbar, or the flat style you see with the v6 common controls?

Personally I feel like the current toolbar style works better for indicating the icons are buttons, though that's not to say it can't work. I think maybe it'd be worth seeing how reducing some of the padding around the icons looks, as the current padding makes the v6 controls look a bit too spaced out.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Originally posted by FuSoYa
There isn't really a formal process since it doesn't happen that often, but just sending me an email would be best, and we'll see if it's something I'd be interested in. #ab{:)}

Alright, thanks! I will polish it for the preliminary C3 release, as that's where I want to gauge initial interest, and then I'll email you. 👍

There is a keyboard shortcut for it (Shift-F4). You can use the usertoolbar.txt file to remap that shortcut to nothing if it turns out you're hitting it by accident somehow (or maybe your shift key is sticking).

Hm, I see. It may be that because sometimes I end up accidentally resting my wrist over the Shift/Ctrl keys due to the currently awkward position of my laptop in my desk.
But I'll keep the usertoolbar.txt thing in mind!

Also, this might be better as a poll someplace, but... which do people prefer? LM's current toolbar, or the flat style you see with the v6 common controls?

Personally I do prefer the current one. I don't know, something about the style in Common Controls 6 doesn't really look good to me, especially in buttons... Aero is one thing, but to me, I feel like this "actually buttonless" (so to speak) approach in them is intended for a ribbon or something, such as the one seen in Office 2007. Oh and don't get me wrong, please don't make LM use a ribbon :P
I do wonder what newer Windows design languages (Metro/Fluent) use now... the documentation for Common Controls mentions up to version 6.10, but I see nothing about Windows 8 and later. Not that it'd fit LM better either: honestly, the current UI has charm.
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Originally posted by FuSoYa
Also, this might be better as a poll someplace, but... which do people prefer? LM's current toolbar, or the flat style you see with the v6 common controls?

Is this part of an update to the UI framework? I assume there are other benefits to doing this beyond the toolbar visuals, but I fear I'm not very familiar with the older UI toolkits.

If this is a direction for the toolbar, something that is lost in the flattening of the buttons is the disambiguation of button groups--as buttons themselves have borders that create visual separation--but that can be remedied by having a separator (like a line) used instead of a gap between groups of buttons.

I suspect a lot of nostalgia and charm is found by people with the current UI, despite its drawbacks, so I expect some resistance to change if you poll people. #ab{:)}
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Also, this might be better as a poll someplace, but... which do people prefer? LM's current toolbar, or the flat style you see with the v6 common controls?

I'm not sure if this fits well for that, but the flat style would be cool since it fits well with the modern standards.
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