Originally posted by FuSoYaIt's possible, but it's an extra step for the user to keep that file up to date. And it might get confusing if they don't keep it up to date.
The other possibility I had been considering a few years ago would be to still have one folder, but only the first part of the filename would have to be ExGFX###... the rest of the filename excluding the extension could be whatever you want. LM would still have to throw errors for duplicate numbers, but you could still easily see just by looking in the folder which ExGFX numbers you've used.
I see the idea of free names for ExGFX files as a nice possibility in theoretical terms, since the detail of real names would be more explanatory and personal than numbers which can easily get confusing, mixable and forgettable. But probably it wouldn't be practical to deal with full names on LM interface; the number system is more properly with this in mind.
Originally posted by ThomasAs a solution, would it be possible to add support for a "map" text file inside the ExGFX folder that maps filenames and/or paths to ExGFX numbers? That would also provide the added benefit of allowing users to use more-readable names for their ExGFX files. Users often already do something along these lines to help keep track of which files contain what, anyway. And if the mapping file is missing or doesn't contain a particular ExGFX file number, LM could just look for the file using the original method.
So yes, it seems to me a nice option to go to implement the map text file idea, something mimicking what most usual tools use to do, being this a more personal way to organize gfx files according what the producer wants and needs; my suggestion would be to set the bin files with any name for getting clearer the function of the gfx file; as well as a sprite file for a Hammer Bro surely will get named as
'hammerbro.cfg' etc., a gfx file containing some ghost house foreground could be named
'ghosthousefg.bin' or something like that, and according the list text purpose, people could insert that in the .txt like this, assuming the slot wanted for the gfx is 82:
82 ghosthousefg.bin
And for organization purporses, ExGFX could have the subfolders support as I've suggested and these tools have. So people could organize it the way they would want - folders for separating 2BPP and 4BPP graphics, foreground and background, layer 1, 2 and 3 etc. For example:
82 [ExGFX/]foreground/ghosthousefg.bin
83 [ExGFX/]background/ghosthousebg.bin
And well, it doesn't seem to be necessary to include the
'ExGFX' part on files names, it would only make the name get bigger and less practical. Also, assuming people have a full list.txt to manage all the bin, it would be easier to know what each gfx file have just by checking on it. So, with the map list file open and LM too, the person simply verifies the file to be inserted and it's done, like if it would be on Add Manual Sprite, but on Super GFX Bypass itself instead.
That doesn't need or have to replace the current gfx load system - it can be a second way to insert gfx along with the current. So if your hack is simpler and you won't get confused with a lot of bin files in ExGFX, you can just use all gfx in the main folder as it is; and if your hack is bigger and greater, you go on to create subfolders inside ExGFX along with the list.txt or something like, inserting the bin files with custom names to recognize them right away, like if you would be dealing with some pixi or gps. And you see: as the own producers created the map file, naming all gfx on their own, they would be capable of mantaining it up to date.

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