Hello!Karen13505 here!
I'm the author of the demo of "Luigi and the Final Year"(link on the userbar below),which is my current project.
Prior that demo,I used to only test it on the Portuguese forum,where the thread for that hack is.But since I've been being unlucky with testers there for the complete game,I decided to make this thread here.
If someone is willing to test this hack,please remember to not share it anywhere else.Testers that gave feedback shall be mentioned in the credits of the final game.
EXITS:33(4 worlds)
Complete Hacks:
I'm the author of the demo of "Luigi and the Final Year"(link on the userbar below),which is my current project.
Prior that demo,I used to only test it on the Portuguese forum,where the thread for that hack is.But since I've been being unlucky with testers there for the complete game,I decided to make this thread here.
If someone is willing to test this hack,please remember to not share it anywhere else.Testers that gave feedback shall be mentioned in the credits of the final game.
EXITS:33(4 worlds)
Complete Hacks: