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Why is nearly everyone on this site a high-and-mighty dickhead? Or so adamant that everyone figure it out on their own while being criticized for not knowing enough? Or so douchey about how many tags are used, or how long a description is? This kind of treatment of newcomers is shameful, disrespectful, and just fucking stupid. Get off your high horses and just help without being smug little assholes, or just shut the fuck up altogether.

To the VERY few on here who are nice and helpful, thank you!
To the 98% of garbage on this site, FUCK YOU!
Forgive me if I'm falling for some obvious bait here or something, but seriously—who are you to be saying this? What exactly have you you done to contribute to the site or to help the community in return? I understand getting impatient with people being dickheads, especially toward beginners, but being one yourself toward what you apparently think is a majority of the site (which you're grossly exaggerating) does nothing to solve that issue.

edit: messed up with this post by being unnecessarily rude. I've made another one below to actually explain my point a bit, but I'll leave this one here for posterity's sake.
Why does it matter what they've contributed? Seems to me your doing the exact thing they were talking about Veck. Do you not see that in your post there? Smugness, down-talking, high-and-mighty sounding non-answer. Seems they're point was just validated to me.
a.k.a. Chopping Fleep-Fleep
a.k.a. Dr. Spinkle M.D.
a.k.a. Bob
Nave a dice hay!
wat. What would a beginner even have to contribute? If they have anything to contribute, are they still beginners?

Yes, this thread is quite blunt, but countering that with even more rudeness doesn't accomplish anything.
<blm> zsnes users are the flatearthers of emulation

I feel like this thread is counter productive, mostly because it only creates an endless spiral of hate rather than actually do anything productive. Just as a side note, I am not attacking you or this thread, I'm just stating my personal opinion on it.
*incomprehensible screeching*
The first two questions are reasonable and I agree because that is disincentivizing to newcomers but the rest of the post on the OP id rather have them post evidence of the treatment they get fron other users in addition that they should lurk more. Theres plenty of more rational reasons to hate SMWC (ex - the culture and censhorship thread kieran made, reliance of fusoya when hes not being cooperative, treating level design as the golden boy see vldcs) but this isnt the way to go about em.
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On Pixel Art Requests: Depends on what it is and if I have the time for it. If its complex and I don't have the time, don't expect me to accept it.

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I guess what I'm mostly wondering is what exactly you mean. Care to give some examples for each of those?
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I see it in 1/2 of the aubmission comments. My own being a good example. Just check the comments section of any submission. 50% of the time there is something totally rude and un-called for. If you've been here a while and know the culture, I could see shrugging them off, but I'm new and one kinds of people spoke of, a moderator at that, was the first to be an ass to me about tags. There's you one example from me.
a.k.a. Chopping Fleep-Fleep
a.k.a. Dr. Spinkle M.D.
a.k.a. Bob
Nave a dice hay!
I'm gonna make another reply to this because I was a fucking idiot with that first one, and I apologize for that. Figured a quick, "witty" post would suffice for my point, but I was already angry at something else at that exact moment and that was an awful way of expressing it. Sorry. Let me retract that last statement and actually explain what I want to get across.

I understand getting upset with people being dickheads toward beginners on this site, and that's certainly an issue here. However, what I meant to say in my first post but completely failed to do so is that you're not helping much here with this thread. You're complaining about people being assholes instead of actually helping others, but that's exactly what you yourself are doing when you make rant-y threads like this one. You can bring attention to an issue like this, which is nowhere near as rampant as you might think by the way, without also insulting a majority of the userbase.
I almost think they just want attention on the issue so maybe something might get done or said about it. It only took me 2 weeks to experience it personally and i almost gave up SMW hacking because of it. I almost took it as an indication that the whole site was this way because my encounter was with someone who should know better.

And my apologies to you Veck. It appears I lumped you in with the so-call "garbage" too quickly. I was wrong. Thank you for clearing up your meaning!
a.k.a. Chopping Fleep-Fleep
a.k.a. Dr. Spinkle M.D.
a.k.a. Bob
Nave a dice hay!
Well, technically, if you make pretty much anything for the first time, it won't exactly be praised as one of the most revolutionary things ever; you gotta work for that recognition, the same way everyone from any kind of place does; by learning how to do it through more and more experience. But yes, I do agree that branding something as shit when they are still a beginner ain't gonna cut it, because no one really started already doing godlike hacks or music as if it was nothing (trust me, I'm sure quite a few SMWC people had quite of the same problems when they were beginners too), and every single beginner doing anything absolutely NEEDS feedback IMO. I can't quite understand why people would act that rudely with you tho, but at the same time, I kinda believe it... #wario{-_-?}

also wat, who tf did this @complaining about tags and long descriptions

NOT-EDIT: uhh, am I too late
Layout by Mathos
People having high expectations on the internet is nothing unique to SMWC. It may be true that being new can be rough, but the reality is that's how a lot of niche internet communities are. When you get a bunch of people with similar interests all together they're inevitably going to be cocky. It's not like out of thin air a bunch of jerks appeared--that's just how it developed naturally. We [hopefully speaking for most people] certainly don't try to be dickheads, but in a lot of cases it's just the environment we're used to.

It would be nice if there was a simple solution, but this isn't exactly something we have control over without an obscenely strict ruleset. Adaptation is part of human nature.
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Originally posted by Ultima
also wat, who tf did this @complaining about tags and long descriptions

Originally posted by Drummerrific
aubmission comments. My own being a good example.

Originally posted by copypasting it
also wtf are those submission tags? You don't need to put co-authors (or yourself) in a tag, that's what the "author" field is for. Who even is robert maddox and why is he in a tag? smw and super mario world are unnecessary too. Seriously, the only useful tag is probably "level linking". Also you should add hub911, xman0444 and fiskestang (even if he doesn't have an account you can add him) as authors aswell.

Yes, that one is way more rude than average, and more rude than warranted. And I've seen plenty of similarly rude content by that user. I'll take it up with the rest of the staff.

Most people I've seen are friendly (or too lazy to post). Rudeness is rare, and I hope it remains that way.

e: turns out this incident happened a month ago, and guy has already been talked to. No need for further action right now, but I will bring this up if I see more strangeness from him.
<blm> zsnes users are the flatearthers of emulation
Thanks for pulling that up for me Alcaro.
a.k.a. Chopping Fleep-Fleep
a.k.a. Dr. Spinkle M.D.
a.k.a. Bob
Nave a dice hay!
I have yet to ask for help on here for obvious reasons. I can't seem to find posts, info, submissions that don't have a dickhead in the bunch that no one addresses. Not being one to just let shit slide, I decided to speak up on behalf of those who are "afraid of the ban" or who were simply pushed from SMW hacking altogether because of one conceited ass making them feel like an idiot. I'm new myself, and it would be nice if my "primary source for smw hacking" wasn't such a toxic environment. Isn't it someone's responsibility to handle this shit? If so, why do people get away with it nearly 100% of the time? I know moderators and administrators see these comments, yet those people are still around and still being assholes. What gives? Lazy oversight? Poor communication? General apathy for the know-nothing newbie-fucks?

Btw, my interest in speaking up was sparked from comments on the only thing I've downloaded so far. Interestingly enough, that comment is posted above and has "already been addressed". Yet the user in question is still a moderator after repeating this behaviour enough that he has a reputation. Seems like a cover for, i don't feel like it, let's just say it's handled. Or, i don't care how they treat the newbies, we've got all we need right here already.

I know that this won't bring change in any way because, come on, "it's the internet". But I just couldn't let it slide. I stand firm on my Fuck You to all the assholes on this site. Because no one else has the guts to say what needs to be said.
Originally posted by SlameGut
To the VERY few on here who are nice and helpful, thank you!

I decided to speak up on behalf of those who are "afraid of the ban"

It's interesting you bring up this point since just the other day on the Discord some users were discussing very similar points you are, but were afraid of actually speaking their mind in case of receiving backlash for their opinions. You're definitely right that this site seems to often push new users away nowadays and has an air of hostility toward them, though I'm not sure of what could solve this.

I think part of the cause is the fact that SMWC nowadays is pretty light in the way the staff moderates posts. To be more specific, the rules are pretty specific on what is and isn't allowed in the forums, so when people act somewhat pretentious/harsh/etc without technically breaking any rules, no one really bats an eye. Another problem is that this site relatively small/close-knit and most users around here "know" each other, so the mods are also likely to be biased towards the more experienced users anyway.

Personally, when it comes to the boards I prefer sites like SomethingAwful and FacePunch. They're far larger (therefore less staff bias), and SomethingAwful especially has rules in place pretty much allowing offenders to be banned for being obviously provocative even while not technically breaking any rules. I don't know how much SMWC would actually improve if it had guidelines more like that, though.

Also if you're worried about this making SMWC a "toxic environment" I can promise you that veterans being arguably rude at times is the least of its problems.
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my Twitch
Originally posted by Sinc-X
but this isn't exactly something we have control over without an obscenely strict ruleset

These misunderstandings happen way too often to overlook, both towards newbies and members that aren't memey sheep, so maybe, uh, that obscenely strict ruleset might help make the site return to better form? Now there's a way too big gray area, and the ones that get the short end of the stick are almost always the ones with less SMWC experience under the belt.

And don't give me that 'too much work' bs, I know for a fact some staff members and admins would rather 'have fun like regular members' than to be what their entitlement says they are. If you get to work for a great site like this, be proud of it and do your best.
I'm unsure what you expected from weeaboos who argue over old emulators
We've seen attempts at stricter rules come and go in the past. The problem is that in a small community like this, they don't work. Integrity of user relationships is crucial to holding these tightly crafted places together, unlike larger boards where each indidivual is just another fish in the sea, and imposing harsh rules breaks that integrity and makes everyone uncomfortable. While in a perfect world strict rules would be the solution, trying to do it here would make an unhealthy environment for everyone.

These are problems with every niche community. They're just part of their nature. They are purely societal issues, and that's not something you can just "fix". Fixing societal problems takes years and years of development, and--quite frankly--to little actual avail.

The best course of action as I see it is probably to implement some guidelines for interacting with newcomers, which shouldn't have much impact on regular operations.
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