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SMWC Idol 9 - Voting!

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Round sssssssssssssssix:

Formatting is the same as before--if you missed it, check the first post, or refer to the previous votes in the thread. Votes are due Saturday, September 8th at 16:00PT / 19:00ET.

SPCs here!
MP3s (provided by Jimmy)

"An Endless FM Challenge"
Very happy with how pure these FM samples from the YM2612, 
the technique used here speaks for the skill of the composer to 
keep the SPC700 interpolation at bay.

It has a very 'go-go-go, floating' feel.  The contrast in mood is 

Rating: 9/10 - based on the recognizably of SPC700 impact on the song. (minimal), and the technical skill in reference to hardware knowledge on the porters's part.

Very vertical-flow groove for scrolling credits.  :-)  I'm into 
the Honky-Tonk and square riffs.  I dig it.

Although it does not sound authentically FM as I'd prefer to fit 
my taste, its a nice mellow grove that fits a rolling
Staff Credits well.

Rating: 8/10 - for groovy Honky-Tonk. :-)

"Law And Disorder":
Oh, so hot.  This track's emotions definitely run raw.  Thug life.  
It is unfortunately very short and does not loop. This is a 
disappointment to me, I would have liked to hear more.  I have to 
comment on the way the distortion guitar samples where used.  Very 
cleanly.  You get points for that.  They often get in the way and 
in this track, they do what they are supposed to and compliment 
the emotion of the song without being an interference.  This is 

Rating: 7/10 - Would have liked to give it a higher rating, but the song is short...

"Secret Base":
Sonic Advance, you know, this isn't half bad.  I have issues with 
the way the organ's 'snap' gets in the way, but it helps you to 
hear the mood the song is trying to set.  This port unfortunately 
sounds very flat.  The razzy harmony line leaves something to be 
desired, it still  leaves the song sounding very flat, and unbalanced...

Otherwise, a decent port.  Lacking the meat of the GBA, though.

Rating: 6/10 - Port originality, tinny sounding, no meat. But a decent port nonetheless.

My word, this one almost beat the Endless FM Challenge, up until 
1:19.  Its so disappointingly empty, this part.  Kicks right back 
in at 1:32, but otherwise the rest of the song generates the 
vision of walking along the outer walls of a space station dodging 
incoming robot and space trooper fire, and leaping over 
electrified chasms.  It feels VERY electric. 

Rating 8/10 - I had to knock two points off for the empty, void-like baseline jammed into the middle of the track. It was a mood-breaker for me. Otherwise, the composer has great potential.

WOW.  Eat your heart out, RPG fans.  This one's on a road to 
destiny.  Maybe I'm biased here but the urgency of the mood in 
this track and the driving beef backing it was enough to tip the 
charts for me.  Even though it is short it was hard to place a bet 
between this track and "An Endless FM Challenge".

I was driven by this track to press the 'Play" button once more.

For that replayability it wins my contest vote.  The heoric 
struggle against a strong foe I felt from it was too

grand.  Bobbing and wavering while this monster with an ungodly 
amount of hitpoints goes on the rampage with its
strongest attacks and takes barely a scratch from your attacks. 
Stone guardian indeed.

Rating: 10/10 - Re-playable and memorable.


Final notes:

Endless FM comes in at a close second for me. VERY close. Wish I could vote for two, today. "Stone" takes my top vote.
~ LupineDream
formarly MallowMan

"A master is adept at the skill of observation. A journey involves getting there, and knowing how to get there."
an_endless_fm_challenge: 8/10

credits: 9/10

lawanddisorder: 9/10
awesome possum

secretbase: 7/10
i thought this would be secret base so i was highly disappointed sorry m8

spacewalk: 9/10
i disagree with lupine the voidy part is kino

stone: 8/10
legit cool song but -1 for fnaf

.. / .-- .- ... / --. . -. . .-. --- ..- ... / - .... .. ... / .-. --- ..- -. -.. / .-.. --- .-..
an_endless_fm_challenge: 8/10

credits: 7/10
Nice, even nice game

lawanddisorder: 7/10
volcanic and rock music

secretbase: 9/10
great music even fits the volcano or cave, it is from Sonic Advance.

spacewalk: 5/10
it sounds good but a bit too loud

stone: 7/10
te instrumenty prawie wyglądają do Sonic
an_endless_fm_challenge: 8/10
This is a nice piece, I feel like it packs a lot of meat but nothing gets in the way, my only critique would be its a bit mid heavy in some areas

credits: 8/10
again, very nice piece, cymbals are a bit off IMO and the bass sample sticks out a bit but all in all great job. I enjoy how the synth brass line fits in

lawanddisorder: 9/10
A+ on the intro, great job on keeping a lead that is pretty intense at times in check. I really like this song choice.

secretbase: 6/10
This is nice port but I feel it leaves a lot to be desired and is thin in a lot of areas.

spacewalk: 6/10
This song is a nice port and,
It might be I am not a fan of the original song, but I don't really enjoy the instruments used, everything feels a little out of place.

stone: 10/10
This song feels very polished, the sounds as a whole fits together and it's very memorable.
Grr... not enough people voting, and I suck at it... I might as well try to help out and do something for y'all. Since Jimmy needs all the votes he can get.

an_endless_fm_challenge: 9/10
I really like this one.

credits: 9/10
I also really like this one. Makes a very good credits theme.

lawanddisorder: 9/10
Now I really like the style with this one.

secretbase: 6/10
It's alright, though I feel it could be a bit better sounding.

spacewalk: 7/10
This one sounds pretty neat for what it is.

stone: 10/10
Overall, my absolute favorite. And shocked to see a port from the FNAF World game.
Hey y'all, Scott here!

PFP by: (🔞 Warning)
an_endless_fm_challenge: 10/10
so much was done here and well arranged melodically and instrumental wise. well done.

credits: 9/10
This is awesome. I love how the melody plays.
its prolly a port, but percussion wouldve made this SO much better imo

lawanddisorder: 6/10
Eh.. Its okay. I just think instrument and composition wise, alor more couldve been done.

secretbase: 8/10
I knew someone was going to port this
Well accurate rendition! If only the bass was stronger...and it feels slightly empty.

spacewalk: 7/10
I love how waltz-y it is, but I think it can feel a bit repetitive at some point

stone: 10/10
great sampling and constructive melody. Excellent work!
i know i suck at voting and explaining myself but here it goes

an_endless_fm_challenge: 9/10
good, not too much to say about this one.

credits: 9/10
enjoyable, it reminds me of something that i cant rememeber.

lawanddisorder: 8/10
its good, the problem, its very short.

secretbase: 7/10
idk, sounds quite flat.

spacewalk: 8/10
starts good, ends quite empty

stone: 10/10
nice song, memorable.

plz pm me ideas to put here cause i dont have ideas

an_endless_fm_challenge: 7.1/10
credits: 7.2/10
lawanddisorder: 6.2/10
secretbase: 6.5/10
spacewalk: 7.6/10
stone: 5.4/10

an_endless_fm_challenge: 8.7/10
credits: 9/10
lawanddisorder: 6.5/10
secretbase: 7.5/10
spacewalk: 8.5/10
stone: 8/10
an_endless_fm_challenge: 8/10
credits: 9/10
lawanddisorder: 7/10
secretbase: 10/10
spacewalk: 9/10
stone: 10/10
I can often be found at #serioushax, as well as some other channels, on IRC.

However, IRC is freaking dead.
an_endless_fm_challenge: 10.0/10.0

> well polished, consistent, good resource usage.

credits: 10.0/10.0

> another well polished and overall consistency.

lawanddisorder: 9.7/10.0

> awesome guitar, good GAIN usage, pretty polishment.

secretbase: 9.5/10.0

> not bad choices, but i couldn't find a differential compared to others, but still above the average. Nice tremolo use on the end.

spacewalk: 9.8/10.0

> ya I like jazz. that sax sounds familiar. is it you? ;) -- overall quality is good, but didn't beat the others two first.

stone: 9.9/10.0

> pretty good, nice choices, pitch usage, etc. a good effort was made on this.
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Round seven:

Formatting is the same as before--if you missed it, check the first post, or refer to the previous votes in the thread. Votes are due Saturday, October 6th at 16:00PT / 19:00ET.

SPCs here!
MP3s provided by Yuzu
YouTube (soon?)

Marc: 8/10 - cute midi piano and flute ditty. i dig it
puzzleplank: 7/10 - feel like this song could have been done better justice, but it's a good effort. the only thing i can really say is poor is the viola but it's pretty serviceable otherwise
Shiokara: 9/10 - good stuff. good song choice, good instrumentation, all around pretty dang good. 7/10 - its decent, kinda cluttered but decent
Marc: 9/10 - I enjoy the cute and peaceful style to this.

puzzleplank: 7/10 - I feel like the intro could benefit from better sample choice and perhaps using more than one channel for the percussion so it'll perhaps sound less cut-offed. The overall song sounds fine for what it is, it could be a bit better though. Though I like that there's now another port from the Super Mario Galaxy series.

Shiokara: 9/10 - I really love this one, it does sound neat for a final boss. 8/10 - This one's pretty neat. I like the overall melody and I like it for what it is.
Hey y'all, Scott here!

PFP by: (🔞 Warning)
Marc: 8/10
solid... nothing much to say

puzzleplank: 8/10
Overall great. Channel 4 is a strangely basic accompaniment in my opinion.

Shiokara: 7/10
Obviously this was very skillfully crafted. But I'm just not a fan of the melody 8.5/10
I enjoy the song overall, although some parts like the beginning and the transition between the loop seem unpolished
Lol not surprised at the comparatively low number of entries, though I was still hoping for more.
Marc: 8.3/10
I like the sound for the most part, but the song just isn't interesting to me.
puzzleplank: 7.2/10
I can't tell if I really get the vibe this is going for. Maybe it's just me but some of the instruments just have a fragmented/choppy sound that I don't think works.
Shiokara: 9.7/10
Damn! Within two seconds of opening this I knew this would be a hit with me. I love the sound, especially the bass and snare drums, and I should acknowledge the echo and chords too. 7.9/10
Don't like the vibrato in some of this one, but I think it gets better as the song goes on.
Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!

Marc: 8/10
Samples are good, but the song is not that special

puzzleplank: 9/10
Pretty solid! The song didn't leave that much of an impact on me tho'. 9.9/10
Solid 9.9/10! Could go in a kind of epic level. It's almost my favorite song in here!

Shiokara: 10/10
It's Calamari Invasion, so it's obvious this will get a 10/10.
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Colour scheme based on the awesome ViM theme, Gruvbox.
Marc: 6/10
Sounds nice and cute, but it's a little too basic for me to say much more than that.

Shiokara: 7/10
Amazing, though I feel like something about the main instrument could be improved, I don't know what exactly, but it's not a big deal.

puzzleplank: 7/10
I really like it, nothing too mindblowing, but it's great for what it is. 8/10
I don't know if this is an original composition, but if it is, it's amazing!
I really like the instruments used here, and the melodies are great.
It also has a nice length, so it never gets repetitive either.
Certainly my favorite here.
Хуй войне!

桐生会FOREVER #ThankYouCoco / Rest in peace, Near, thank you for everything
Marc: 7.5/10
puzzleplank: 7/10 8/10
Shiokara: 9/10


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