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Hackers Dreams : Pipe Dream

Hey everyone!

I'm happy to announce a new public demo for my hack "Hackers Dreams".

Like my previous demo, this is meant to approach the limits of what can be done RTA. This level appears near the end of the hack, so it's also on the high end of the overall difficulty curve as well!

Here are some videos (obvious spoilers):

Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy the demo!
Originally posted by Super Maks 64
B-Side update when?

I still remember! I just want to get these other levels playable! I'll update B-Side soon!

Originally posted by Super Maks 64
I've seen parts of it, and man it really is insane good at what it's trying to do.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!
Very challenging but also very good. Your level design is certainly creative. Keep it up #smw{:peace:}