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New Super Mario World 2 Winter Demo

Super Mario WorldDemoScreenshots

I wasn't really sure if I was going to do this but I had to. After 2 years working on this hack i've already released 3 demos for each C3, the first demo with the first three worlds, the second demo with 18 levels from the early-mid game worlds and the third one with some mid-late game worlds. And now there's the fourth demo including two late game worlds, World 12 which is a sewer themed world and World 13 which is a pretty challenging ice map. Hopefully, this is going to be the last demo not only because i might release the hack on the next C3 (probably) but because i'm not going to show much of the last worlds (specially World 16 which i will not show progress at all).



Have fun.

If you have any issues feel free to report me in this thread, by PM or on Discord

I'm also thinking about making a second trailer later

I've seen you working hard on this hack, Pink Gold Peach, and I must say, you've been doing a spectacular job at it. The choconilla flavors to this hack give it its nice retro charm while still adding some new stuff to it. I especially like the sewer levels in this hack, from what you've shown in the screenshots. Is it similar to SMWCP1's sewer world, where they connect to other worlds?

I'll hopefully give this a try later. Great job!
Unfortunately, I'm not very active on the site anymore like I was before; I'm mainly on Discord now. Thanks for understanding.
Is it similar to SMWCP1's sewer world, where they connect to other worlds?

No but the overworld song is the same

i really like the ow.
in rising waters i see sometimes mario heads appearing.
in sticky sewers the game frozes at entering a pipe near the lvl end
whats that aesthetic sprite in 12-4? i like
in directional lifts having a fire bro throwing fire frozes the game, at this point i couldnt pass that lvl
edit: in the ghost house the sideways piranhas gfx are glitched

plz pm me ideas to put here cause i dont have ideas

Originally posted by Kiatus
i really like the ow.
in rising waters i see sometimes mario heads appearing.
in sticky sewers the game frozes at entering a pipe near the lvl end
whats that aesthetic sprite in 12-4? i like
in directional lifts having a fire bro throwing fire frozes the game, at this point i couldnt pass that lvl
edit: in the ghost house the sideways piranhas gfx are glitched

I haven't noticed those issues, i decided to remove 12-2, 12-5 and 12-6 because the screen scrolling pipes don't seem to work properly and the fire bros are breaking in the vertical level for some reason, maybe that has something to do with LM3.0


I really adore your amazing work. That you are working for over 2 years on this hack proves how passionate you are and how much detail and love you're putting into it. Once i have some more freetime I'll give your demo a try, too. So far i can only say, that these screenshots look pretty neat (as expected from you) and that i can't wait until the final version will come out eventually. I'm following this project for so long and I'm sure it will be a pleasure to play the final hack one day. #tb{:]}

The hack looks good, But there are a minor thing i noticed in the first level

Somethimes when the bubbles explode i can see Mario Heads
Unfortunately don't have enough time this C3 to really get through a lot of this demo in time, but I've played through enough of this before to know that it'll be a blast either way. Always glad to see more stuff from you every C3, and I hope to be around when it finally comes out some day. :)
This ports are really good. I kinda liked the musics with a lower octaves in the bubble crab and guile themes
Originally posted by Pink Gold Peach
"...Hopefully, this is going to be the last demo not only because i might release the hack on the next C3 (probably) but because i'm not going to show much of the last worlds (specially World 16 which i will not show progress at all)."

Wait... 16 WORLDS?! (#smw{O_O})

That's an impressive amount of work that you've been doing. And looking from the demo's screenshots, it definitely appears to be paying off really well. Great job working on this hack, and I'm excited to see the final product! I hope development continues smoothly.
Anyways, great job, and hope to see you and your hack next C3! (#smw{:TUP:})
This is one of the hacks I follow most nowadays. I love your style of graphics; you always manage to make original SMW graphics fit well with all that is added around it. Everything shown here looks great as well.

I will continue to follow this, and will be sure to get around to playing the full hack when it's released!
Layout by Mirann <3

I'm probably retired tbh

Super Mario WorldDemoScreenshots