I wasn't really sure if I was going to do this but I had to. After 2 years working on this hack i've already released 3 demos for each C3, the first demo with the first three worlds, the second demo with 18 levels from the early-mid game worlds and the third one with some mid-late game worlds. And now there's the fourth demo including two late game worlds, World 12 which is a sewer themed world and World 13 which is a pretty challenging ice map. Hopefully, this is going to be the last demo not only because i might release the hack on the next C3 (probably) but because i'm not going to show much of the last worlds (specially World 16 which i will not show progress at all).

Have fun.
If you have any issues feel free to report me in this thread, by PM or on Discord
I'm also thinking about making a second trailer later

Have fun.
If you have any issues feel free to report me in this thread, by PM or on Discord
I'm also thinking about making a second trailer later