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Kaizo/PitSuper Mario WorldFull Hack ReleaseScreenshots

After several years of making, I finally release what I consider the first full hack of mine composed of multiple levels.
It's a kaizo hack definitely not made for beginners and requires a lot of precision and slowdown to beat everything. I cancelled and revived it a lot, but never gave up completely. Draws inspiration from several hacks.
Here are nothing but screenshots that depict how hella hard it is.

Download link

I hope you enjoy!
If xHF01x describes Item Abuse 3 as "easy" i wonder what he'll think of this? #tb{:DD}

Personally I'd say this is a pretty great hack and it probably demanded quite much testing from you, to make sure that everything works / nothing breaks. Due to personal experience i know how difficult it is to make hard kaizo hacks, but they are always an interesting and unique challenge, even to experienced kaizo players. I think i'll try it out, too in my next holidays. Let's see if i still have enough skills to beat this after almost 1 year of only playing kaizo: light hacks #tb{^V^}

Really good job Archie / Katerpie! #smw{:peace:}

I really like that vanilla aesthetic you got going for it. Almost makes me wanna try it myself even though i'm a really bad Kaizo player and usually am not interested in those kinds of hacks at all. The effort is really clear to see from the screenshots alone, and it's no suprise you've taken this long.

Been following this hack on and off the past couple years and I'm so glad it's finally finished. This classic(ish) hard kaizo style might seem a little out of date in 2019 with all the new faces in the kaizo community but I still think this is an excellent hack. Congratulations on finishing your first full length hack!
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

i wish i still remembered how to play kaizos to play this

Still, props for finishing the hack, and I look forward to watching TASes of it.
Please check out BOWSIE!
waving the white flag, sending my love back, move on
I doubt I'd feel like playing it, but it is genuinely fun to watch and on par (possibly better?) than hacks I've made. I was pleasantly surprised just to see the final level video at all.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Watching yours and Sokoban's kaizo was my childhood. Rewatching the entire thing, this time complete, is sure gonna be fun. Touching it to play though? Not ever
I saw the final level recently and I thought the use of the sliding mechanic was pretty nifty by the way

Great job!
Originally posted by Koopster
Watching yours and Sokoban's kaizo was my childhood.

Awww thanxx.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Originally posted by Koopster
Watching yours and Sokoban's kaizo was my childhood.


Thanks everyone!
Originally posted by Koopster
Watching yours and Sokoban's kaizo was my childhood..."

Man, I can agree. Every time I saw any of their video of something similar, I'm just struck in awe. With so much complex tech happening and perfect gameplay, I'm astounded that someone is actually able to beat such impossible-looking stages- even if they're actually TASes.
I'm glad hacks like those of "Facedesk!" still exist- even though I can't beat any of them. #w{=)} Thanks for making these hacks!
Stuff like this is what got me back into hacking. I know I talked in the channel about how much I like the final level, but really, it's fifteen minutes of complete insanity.

We've come a long way from Kaizo 1

Kaizo/PitSuper Mario WorldFull Hack ReleaseScreenshots