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Nachos and Fried Oreos: An SMW Hack by MiracleWater and gbreeze

Super Mario WorldFull Hack ReleaseScreenshots



What's New?

-If you have already viewed the intro message once, you can skip the intro message by pressing A or B while the message is on screen (great for speedruns!)

-There's a new message box in that mysterious room in Yoshi's Lodge... for those that are a little crazy, there's now
an easier way to activate sadistic mode! Simply press L and R at the same time on the overworld before entering the first level. Note that you must still be on any difficulty but easy (thanks to Seathorne for this neat recommendation)

-Some issues in Seasons of Change have been fixed! Namely, goal post cutoff and lag

-An extra donut was added in Outdoor Dining.. and no, not just because they are delicious. This allows players to investigate the donuts blocks in a safe environment (thanks for the suggestion Seathorne!)

-Added a message box in the second level that explains that you cannot pause in midair in the hack

That's all for now. Hopefully you all don't discover any disastrous bugs and v1.1 will be the last update, but who knows. Have fun!


Hey everyone! MiracleWater and I are happy to present Nachos and Fried Oreos!

Nachos and Fried Oreos is a 15-exit "vanilla with ASM sprinkles" hack. The levels are short and sweet with a focus on action-packed platforming. However, this hack is not your typical platformer. In Nachos and Fried Oreos, a game-over is truly a game-over! If you lose all your lives, your save file is deleted and you must start from the beginning. This sounds daunting, but allow us to explain. We truly believe that, for those that enjoy a challenge and like the idea of a lives mechanic, Nachos and Fried Oreos will provide quite a unique experience for you.

When you begin your adventure, you will have the option of choosing between easy, normal, hard, and insane.

By choosing easy, you will have infinite lives. This means you can play as much as you would like without worrying about a game over. On normal, you will have 15 lives, 5 with hard, and 1 with insane. As you can see, insane mode is locked. The way to unlock this mode is simply by beating the game on any other mode (including easy!).

In addition, every level has 5 dragon coins and a moon. While these items are typically "collectables" only, they serve a very different function in this hack. The dragon coins and moons are placed so that you must make a conscious decision whether you want to take the risk to collect them or not. In a way, playing this hack is a lot about risk and reward analysis. On one hand, you will be rewarded valuable lives for pursuing them; on the other hand, you risk losing your already valuable lives.

In Nachos and Fried Oreos, the dragon coins and lives will result in higher life gain than a regular hack. On normal mode, collecting all 5 dragon coins results in gaining 5 lives, and a moon earns you 3. On hard, 5 dragon coins nets you 3 lives, while a moon provides 2. On insane, you will gain the least amount of lives from the dragon coins and moons; on this challenging mode, you will only gain 1 life for both. We expect that this change in SMW's life mechanic will provide a richer experience for whatever difficulty rank you decide to use on your adventure. For an even more extreme challenge, perhaps check out that strange door in Yoshi's Lodge...

Now, you may be familiar with the "creativity-first" design that MiracleWater and I typically use in our CLDC/KLDC levels and other hacks. However, don't expect this type of design here. This hack is truly a pure platforming hack; you'll be jumping, dodging enemies, and parsing action-based obstacles. With that being said, the hack is also very speedrun-friendly if you are interested in that.

Since both puzzles and trial-and-error have been removed from the design process, we expect that playing on hard or insane will be very rewarding for highly skilled players. If you consider yourself a fan of intense SMW hacks, and you love the adrenaline and excitement of beating a challenging segment, then playing on normal/hard/insane is for you!

Now, if you are a casual player and you would never touch a "hard" or "very-hard" hack, that's okay! That's exactly why we have created the easy mode. With infinite lives, you can enjoy the hack at your leisure and still have fun. Still, be aware that this hack is pretty tricky, even on easy mode.

Nachos and Fried Oreos features three action-packed worlds, lots of custom music, and unique ASM in nearly every level! The hack features a series of adventerous and awesome overworlds created by Lazy!

MiracleWater has focused intently on creating lots of unique ASM to give you a more interesting experience. Some levels feature entirely new ASM gimmicks, while others include brand new tweaks on sprites you may have seen on SMWC. In addition, some enemies from SMW that you know and hate love have been greatly tweaked to make them more interesting and fun, such as MiracleWater's greatly enhanced fishin' boo. I think you'll find that there's a lot of content packed into only 15 levels, and many things may surprise you.

So give Nachos and Fried Oreos a try! Play on easy, normal, hard, or insane. Decide whether you want to be a risk-taker and grab those dragon coins and moons! Or play it safe and play cautiously with your limited life counter! Or, go wild with easy mode and explore to your heart's content. Regardless, we hope you have fun playing this hack, as we certainty had a blast making it. Thanks for stopping by our C3 thread!

Special thanks to Lazy for helping us out with a bunch of stuff and testing, and to Blue Leaf, ft029, SnoruntPyro, and cozyduck for testing.
Didn't know if this would get done by C3, but here it is! Hope you enjoy.
Awww this looks super dope. I look forward to playing it my man. The screenshots look pretty sweet, and the difficulty idea is a neat concept.

release the asm too
Please check out BOWSIE!
My C3 museum.
I got a quadruple nut from the screenshots. It's probably good. I'll for sure try this tomorrow.
Just looking form the screenshots, this hack appears very interesting to play. It's almost like a cross between a difficult hack and a kaizo hack- making the levels look very hectic and unique. I'm sure going to play this soon! #ab{:D}
When two amazing level designers team up to make a janky and nifty hack, the result could not be any different.

I was waiting for this hack since last C3. I stopped at the bombs level after a game over during the hard mode, but everything is incredible. Great job you both!
Just extend the goal point one tile up in the ice level so the tape doesn't cut off at the top :p
This already caught my attention last C3 and i'm glad it got finished that quickly. I'll definitely give it a try once i have more freetime. The screenshots look super awesome and your idea of difficulty levels is excellent imo.

Good job you two! You got my vote for the best finished hack this C3 #smrpg{<3}

One thing i've noticed while playing is... that I suck at Mario. I game overed on Normal difficulty in the second level. Though that probably was because I was targetting to get all Dragon Coins and 3UP moons. I'll try again later, this time without all that nonsense.
This hack was tremendous fun. When I finished it, I immediately went back and played it again. You really nailed the style you were going for, and at times it felt as though I were playing a friendly version of SUPER (this means I liked it). The hack does have a dark side though: at the time of his disappearance, lolyoshi was last seen heading in its direction.
This looks like a really fun hack that I unfortunally can't play right now, because I'm on vacation.
But I'll try this out as soon as I come back #tb{;)}
One thing I already like are the changes to fishing boo #tb{XD}
My Youtube channel

Currently working on:
Project C

Finished project:
The style in this hack is amazing. I like how the levels test the player's skill at parsing new obstacles, which is actually quite novel. Most other hacks try to be as creative as possible, which is nice, although a restrained style like this also gives great pleasure!
I'm two levels in and I'm already in love. Not only do I absolutely love this "vanilla with ASM sprinkles" style, but the level are designed in such quality that it's almost hard to believe a hack like this is actually finished.
I'm a baby so I'm going for normal mode, I'll let you know if anything tips me off during my playthrough. But judging by my first impression and the reactions, excellent work in advance you two!! Could not expect any less from both of you. #thp{;)}
Thanks to Beekaay and Seathorne for being the first streamers to play Nachos and Fried Oreos! And thanks to Katerpie as well for pointing out that goal point cutoff. I have edited a few things and I am currently waiting on MiracleWater to update the rom. Hopefully, this will be the last update before we submit.

Here are the changes (note that the hack has not been updated yet, but will be later today).

-reduced lag in
seasons of change
that caused numerous accidental deaths
-fixed the goal post sprite cutoff in
seasons of change

-added a
donut block next to the first trouter in outdoor dining
so that players could familiarize themselves with the gimmick in a safe area


Thanks for the feedback everyone!! It's greatly appreciated. I'm really happy that you all have enjoyed this hack.

Originally posted by Erik
Awww this looks super dope. I look forward to playing it my man. The screenshots look pretty sweet, and the difficulty idea is a neat concept.

release the asm too

Thanks!! Ya know, releasing the asm is a good idea. We just might do that! I would have to discuss it with miraclewater, but I think the hack mods would appreciate the chance that there would be just one less janky fishin boo out there lol.

Since many of the sprites are just tweaks of existing SMWC asm, we'll probably not release those.

Originally posted by Katerpie
When two amazing level designers team up to make a janky and nifty hack, the result could not be any different.

I was waiting for this hack since last C3. I stopped at the bombs level after a game over during the hard mode, but everything is incredible. Great job you both!
Just extend the goal point one tile up in the ice level so the tape doesn't cut off at the top :p

Thanks!! We've just fixed that :P

Originally posted by Minuy600
One thing i've noticed while playing is... that I suck at Mario. I game overed on Normal difficulty in the second level. Though that probably was because I was targetting to get all Dragon Coins and 3UP moons. I'll try again later, this time without all that nonsense.

I'm glad you have given the normal difficulty a try! Going for all the dragon coins and moons can potentially make normal mode easier or harder, it totally depends. But you can certainly play on easy the first time and then go back to normal as well! And that doesn't mean you suck at Mario, this hack is definitely of the hard variety so it's absolutely gonna be harder than the average SMW hack.

Originally posted by Morsel
This hack was tremendous fun. When I finished it, I immediately went back and played it again. You really nailed the style you were going for, and at times it felt as though I were playing a friendly version of SUPER (this means I liked it). The hack does have a dark side though: at the time of his disappearance, lolyoshi was last seen heading in its direction.

Hmmm #smrpg{sick} While I can't explain lolyoshi's mysterious disappearance, I will say that we were inspired by him when making this hack (speaking of inspiration, Good Fish Bad Salad also inspired a certain fishy level as well). Glad you are enjoying it, and thanks!

Originally posted by NGB
This looks like a really fun hack that I unfortunally can't play right now, because I'm on vacation.
But I'll try this out as soon as I come back #tb{;)}
One thing I already like are the changes to fishing boo #tb{XD}

Thanks! Yeah I was really impressed with MiracleWater's edit to the fishin' boo. Hope you end up playing it!

Originally posted by ft029
The style in this hack is amazing. I like how the levels test the player's skill at parsing new obstacles, which is actually quite novel. Most other hacks try to be as creative as possible, which is nice, although a restrained style like this also gives great pleasure!

Thanks! I'm glad you are having fun with it. We definitely restrained ourselves on the creativity (as I already discussed with you), but I think that creativity restraint absolutely has its merits (especially in a hack that revolves around the life mechanic).

Originally posted by Koopster
I'm two levels in and I'm already in love. Not only do I absolutely love this "vanilla with ASM sprinkles" style, but the level are designed in such quality that it's almost hard to believe a hack like this is actually finished.
I'm a baby so I'm going for normal mode, I'll let you know if anything tips me off during my playthrough. But judging by my first impression and the reactions, excellent work in advance you two!! Could not expect any less from both of you. #thp{;)}

Thanks!! I'm glad you are enjoying it so far! :D
Sorry couldn't update the thread title so I'll make a reply: Updated to version 1.1! Changelog is in the original post.

Super Mario WorldFull Hack ReleaseScreenshots