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Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom by Green Jerry

File Name: Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom
Submitted: by Green Jerry
Authors: Green Jerry
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 42 exit(s)
Difficulty: Normal
Description: STORY:
The Golden Mushroom was stolen by Bowser! Mario must defeat him and retrieve it to return to the Mushroom Kingdom!

This new version of the hack has 5 worlds and 42 exits.

I've been working on this hack for over 2 years.
I was gonna accept this hack because it was very well done and it was clear that it had a lot of effort put into it until the final world cause it only had a few minor problems that weren't a reason for rejection but then 2 big problems arose in the 2 final levels so I had to reject this. Below there's a list of all the problems I found, starting from the overall problems, then going over the reason for the rejection and finally a list of all the little errors that I found scattered throught the hack.

Overall problems:
-The flashing HDMA that happens sometimes when loading a level is pretty annoying, especially because it happens a lot and if someone has problem with flashing stuff it can definitely be annoying. If fixable I would prefer this to be fixed, if not, it's fine.
-A lot of the levels have some very big (sometimes max distance) jumps where you can't see where you are landing, thus making a lot of them blind to the player. I would really like to see them changed, play throught your levels and every time you feel like you need to scroll to see what's ahead, make the jump smaller, try to think with the player's mindset, not the creator one.
-I had a major problem with the lives in this hack, I game overed 3 times (2 of which on the final level) cause you start Mario with 5 lives and they are just not enough. I managed to find only about 3 extra lives here and there. Maybe add 1-UPs to increase the playability of the hack.

Major problems (aka reasons why I rejected this):
-There is a softlock in the first autoscroller section of Lava Mountain 5-5, at the end, just before the pipe, you can jump over the tank and get stuck up there until the time runs out because the autoscroller stops.
-The final level is a huge difficulty spike compared to everything else in the game, it contains various rooms without checkpoints, a lot of which are very long and not feasible to beat the first time you get to them, forcing the player to lose lives, either make them shorter/add 1-UPs/add powerups/add checkpoints.
-There is a sublevel in Spooky Land 3-2 that you can enter but then you can't exit unless you die cause the end pipe is not an exit-enabled one. I believe this was accidental by you and it's a very easy fix.
-If you go to Clawgrip's castle early with the shortcut, then beat it, then play throught the rest of the game going back and doing it the normal way, you won't have a save prompt up until the final level, I noticed this when I was on the final level, I game overed and it sent me back from 40 exits to 27 exits, which is pretty unfair. I would add a save prompt somewhere in the last world or maybe in a ghost house near the end.

Minor problems:
-There is a lot of lag in a bunch of levels, due to too many sprites on screen at once, these are the instances when it happens, please fix them, it makes the game in those points not enjoyable:
-lag with the rotating platforms in Grass 1-3
-Lag in Grass 1-4
-lag in Cherry Forest 2-2
-Lag in Beetle's castle
-A lot of lag in main level in spooky land 3-2, in the place with the 4 flying paragoombas
-A lot of lag in the sublevel in spooky land 3-2, the one for the secret exit with the disco light
-The on/off blocks graphics in Cherry Forest 2-4 are broken, it's an easy fix, especially since you aren't using the fishing boo in that level, it's not a big deal but it would be nice to see it fixed.
-There's a weird difficulty spike in Spooky Land 3-3 in the fishing boo section. I would make that section easier, again, not a big deal.
-Where's the secret exit in spooky land 3-3? I searched in the level a whole lot, but I couldn't find it. I even looked in Lunar Magic after having beaten Bowser and I couldn't find it. My save file was at 41 exits. It's either an error with the overworld saying that there's a secret exit when there's not one or you indicated the number of exits wrong.
-There's a wrong platform placement on the line guide in Clawgrip's castle which makes the jump a lot harder than it should be.

With all of that said, the hack is for sure a great one and deserves to be on site if it wasn't for that softlock. You're more than welcome to resubmit it once you fixed it! Excited to see your future work!