Update 5/8/19 @ 1:00 AM EST: Adjusted the Judging section to clarify scoring. Also moved level names to Aesthetics.
Update 5/13/19 @ 10:40 PM EST: Removed Kit from the list of judges as they no longer felt up to the task. Also updated the "Overworld Event Enable Menu" patch link to Version 1.1.
Update 6/19/19 @ 3:00 PM EST: Due to the site's server transfering yesterday, the contest's deadline has been extended to July 1st.

Welcome to the Overworld Design Contest 2019! I'm Veck, and I'll be your host this year. We haven't hosted this contest since 2014, when we ran it alongside VLDC7 to choose the overworld we would use for the compilation hack. And if you're looking for the last Overworld Contest that wasn't attached to another contest, you have to go all the way back to 2012! It's no wonder that our users have been clamoring for a new Overworld Contest for years now.
Since it’s been so long since the previous one, we’re going to keep things simple this time around:
1. You may use any resources you want.
2. You may work with a partner.
Participation Guidelines:
1. We won't be picky about events here.* They're not required by any means, but if you think you can do something interesting with them, go for it.
2. Likewise, we won't force you to give names to all your levels, but if you want to, go nuts.
* - Overworld Event Enable Menu
If you do end up using events, Erik has been kind enough to code a handy menu for activating overworld events without having to enter any levels. Using this is completely optional, though if you don't end up using it, keep in mind that your overworld will most likely be viewed in Lunar Magic's overworld editor so events can be quickly cycled through.
Your judges this time around are me, bebn legg, Major Flare, and Scrydan. Just in case something goes awry, a couple of unnamed users remain as backups.
Scoring will be based on two main criteria: General Design and Aesthetics. Your overworld will be the only thing judged within your entry! The two criteria are elaborated upon below with subcategories in each that help more specifically define what aspects they’ll be judged upon. Note: points aren't divided among the subcategories in any specific way, rather they're just examples of things the judges will be looking for in your entry.
General Design (40 points)
Functionality - Does the overworld work at its bare minimum? Do paths connect together? Does the placement of Switch Palaces, secret exits, and other bonuses make sense?
Connectivity - Do warps and world transitions work properly together? Is there a logical sense of progression?
Events - IF present, do they actually benefit the world already created? Do they cause any substantial change to landmasses or other elements of the overworld? (Won’t be penalized if absent)
Aesthetics (60 points)
Visuals - Do the palettes work well together? Are there decorations present? Does the decoration placement look natural and fitting, or are is it sporadic? Do any of the selected GFX clash with one another?
Shaping - Does the overworld look interesting? Does the terrain have varied and interesting shapes, or is it all flat, rectangular islands? Is there cutoff?
Atmosphere - Does the music work toward any specific theme? Does the map accurately convey the emotion it sets out to convey? (e.g. does the scary ghost world scare the player?) Do the decorations contribute to the atmosphere?
Perspective - Does the overworld in general work as an actual space? Is the perspective of all the terrain harmonious?
Level Names - Do they work toward the theme of the world? Are they funny or charming?
These two will be combined for a total score out of 100 points!
- Updated versions have been made of the original 2012 trophies, and a brand new participation variant has been included:
1st place

2nd place

3rd place


- Along with their corresponding trophies, the Top 3 entries will also receive a game prize of their choosing from our list of game download codes.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Either link a ZIP/RAR file as a reply to this thread containing a BPS file of your entry, or just link the BPS directly. IPS submissions won't be accepted!
2. Entries will be due by July 1st, 2019 at 5:00 PM EST. This gives you all nearly two months to work on your entries—no extensions will be given!
3. If you update your entry after initially submitting it, just edit your original post. Additional replies will be ignored!
If you have any additional questions about the contest, please take them or any other concerns to the discussion thread!
Speaking of discussion, we'll also be opening up two channels in the SMWCentral discord specifically for this contest: #ow2019-discussion and #ow2019-showoff. Use these channels for any questions about the contest you might want to have answered quickly, or just any chatting in general! Keep any in-progress pictures of your entry to the showoff channel exclusively. That way the judges can avoid seeing anything too early.
If by any chance you haven't already joined the fun in Discord, why not take this opportunity to give it a try?
Update 5/13/19 @ 10:40 PM EST: Removed Kit from the list of judges as they no longer felt up to the task. Also updated the "Overworld Event Enable Menu" patch link to Version 1.1.
Update 6/19/19 @ 3:00 PM EST: Due to the site's server transfering yesterday, the contest's deadline has been extended to July 1st.
Welcome to the Overworld Design Contest 2019! I'm Veck, and I'll be your host this year. We haven't hosted this contest since 2014, when we ran it alongside VLDC7 to choose the overworld we would use for the compilation hack. And if you're looking for the last Overworld Contest that wasn't attached to another contest, you have to go all the way back to 2012! It's no wonder that our users have been clamoring for a new Overworld Contest for years now.
Since it’s been so long since the previous one, we’re going to keep things simple this time around:
1. You may use any resources you want.
2. You may work with a partner.
Participation Guidelines:
1. We won't be picky about events here.* They're not required by any means, but if you think you can do something interesting with them, go for it.
2. Likewise, we won't force you to give names to all your levels, but if you want to, go nuts.
* - Overworld Event Enable Menu
If you do end up using events, Erik has been kind enough to code a handy menu for activating overworld events without having to enter any levels. Using this is completely optional, though if you don't end up using it, keep in mind that your overworld will most likely be viewed in Lunar Magic's overworld editor so events can be quickly cycled through.
Your judges this time around are me, bebn legg, Major Flare, and Scrydan. Just in case something goes awry, a couple of unnamed users remain as backups.
Scoring will be based on two main criteria: General Design and Aesthetics. Your overworld will be the only thing judged within your entry! The two criteria are elaborated upon below with subcategories in each that help more specifically define what aspects they’ll be judged upon. Note: points aren't divided among the subcategories in any specific way, rather they're just examples of things the judges will be looking for in your entry.
General Design (40 points)
Functionality - Does the overworld work at its bare minimum? Do paths connect together? Does the placement of Switch Palaces, secret exits, and other bonuses make sense?
Connectivity - Do warps and world transitions work properly together? Is there a logical sense of progression?
Events - IF present, do they actually benefit the world already created? Do they cause any substantial change to landmasses or other elements of the overworld? (Won’t be penalized if absent)
Aesthetics (60 points)
Visuals - Do the palettes work well together? Are there decorations present? Does the decoration placement look natural and fitting, or are is it sporadic? Do any of the selected GFX clash with one another?
Shaping - Does the overworld look interesting? Does the terrain have varied and interesting shapes, or is it all flat, rectangular islands? Is there cutoff?
Atmosphere - Does the music work toward any specific theme? Does the map accurately convey the emotion it sets out to convey? (e.g. does the scary ghost world scare the player?) Do the decorations contribute to the atmosphere?
Perspective - Does the overworld in general work as an actual space? Is the perspective of all the terrain harmonious?
Level Names - Do they work toward the theme of the world? Are they funny or charming?
These two will be combined for a total score out of 100 points!
- Updated versions have been made of the original 2012 trophies, and a brand new participation variant has been included:
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
- Along with their corresponding trophies, the Top 3 entries will also receive a game prize of their choosing from our list of game download codes.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Either link a ZIP/RAR file as a reply to this thread containing a BPS file of your entry, or just link the BPS directly. IPS submissions won't be accepted!
2. Entries will be due by July 1st, 2019 at 5:00 PM EST. This gives you all nearly two months to work on your entries—no extensions will be given!
3. If you update your entry after initially submitting it, just edit your original post. Additional replies will be ignored!
If you have any additional questions about the contest, please take them or any other concerns to the discussion thread!
Speaking of discussion, we'll also be opening up two channels in the SMWCentral discord specifically for this contest: #ow2019-discussion and #ow2019-showoff. Use these channels for any questions about the contest you might want to have answered quickly, or just any chatting in general! Keep any in-progress pictures of your entry to the showoff channel exclusively. That way the judges can avoid seeing anything too early.
If by any chance you haven't already joined the fun in Discord, why not take this opportunity to give it a try?