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Change properties in sprite header (in hex)

What does the "Change Properties In Sprite Header" menu do? I know that you can enable sprite buoyancy there but what is that Sprite memory range, reserved sp range, and max do? i don't even know that menu...And the other menu for Sprite vertical spawn range?
The sprite memory setting has to do with the OAM, which is where the sprites' graphics data is stored (screen-relative X and Y position, tile number, tile properties, and tile size). The SNES has only 128 OAM slots, which is enough for 128 individual tiles, and SMW uses only the second half of that (64 tiles) for normal sprites and the player, so in practice, only about 54 slots are available for sprites. This means that, for instance, you can't have as many of a big sprite like a Banzai Bill on the screen at a time as you could something small like a Goomba, or you'd get graphical glitches due to running out of slots (or overflowing the table and writing data to RAM that wasn't intended). While some games just keep a running total of how many tiles have been drawn, SMW uses a system where the table gets divided up into sections, and each sprite uses one section depending on its index. But most sprite memory settings also have one or two "reserved" sprites, where sprites that have that number will be separated from the others in index and OAM section, as well as the maximum number of them that can be active. For instance, in sprite memory setting 04, which is used in Yoshi's Island 1, the information looks like this:
04: M:08-01=07 SP:60,9F M1:01-00=01 M2:01-00=01
The "M" value is how many non-reserved sprites can be active at once, which is 7. The "SP" values are the two reserved sprite numbers, which are 60 and 9F. The "M1" value is how many of the first reserved sprite can be active, and the "M2" value is how many of the second reserved sprite can be active. So in this case, you can have up to one instance of either a flat switch palace switch or a Banzai Bill, as well as up to 7 other sprites, active at a time.

The sprite vertical spawn range and smart spawn setting I'm not as familiar with because I don't really use Lunar Magic 3 right now, but according to the help file, the vertical spawn range determines how far offscreen a sprite can be vertically before despawning, or how close to the screen boundary it can be before spawning. The "Horizontal Level" setting gives you about 12-13 tiles, the "Vertical Level" setting is about 4-5, the "Enhanced Vertical Level" setting gives you is 8-9, and the "Infinity" setting has no limit. Meanwhile, the "Enable Smart Spawn" option prevents more sprites from spawning while the screen isn't scrolling.


I'm working on a hack! Check it out here. Progress: 64/95 levels.