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Various by: thedragon6

These are not your hacks, and seemingly have been submitted without permission. Even assuming they are, they are submitted on behalf of a banned user.

These hacks will not be accepted on SMWCentral.
File Name: Super Mario World The Endless Boss The Apocalypse
Submitted: by thedragon6
Authors: thedragon6
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 40 exit(s)
Difficulty: Very Hard
Description: This is the last episode of my series feel free to enjoy it ;) or download it directly here:

Created by X-Star
Stop submitting hacks that are:
1-Not created by you
2-Created by a banned user
You also don't have any permission to do on behalf of the user even if he was unbanned
Since this is the second time you've broken a couple of the major rules I'm gonna take this chance to warn you that you continuing this behaviour will lead to a section ban.
File Name: Super Mario World The Endless Boss The Apocalypse
Submitted: by thedragon6
Authors: thedragon6
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 40 exit(s)
Difficulty: Very Hard
Description: This is the last game of my series, largely wide game and good lanscape with excellent bosses feel free to enjoy.

created by X-Star
Exactly same log as the hack submitted prior to this