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SMWC Maker & Minecraft Randomizer

Super Mario WorldSuper Mario Maker 2DemoScreenshotsOther

What game style do you want implemented not in Mario Maker 2?

Greetings! Now this is something I was going to get done right at the start of C3 but some minor complications occurred while I future proofed a few things.

I am Scrydan, and I code things. I was wanting to work on a little project and wanted to do something for the Staff Team. This was mostly a solo effort but I did some some slight feedback from time to time (things got busy towards then end, so I didn't get too many tests done)!

This was supposed to be something done officially but turned into a personal project more or less. There's still things that need to be done but I am just going to release this as is. I'll work on this more later. Expect some features to pop up tomorrow as this is still actively worked on.

With that said, in the spirit of Mario Maker 2 and in our convention, I present to you for the first time:

Super Mario World Central Maker

The name comes from the fact that in Mario Maker you probably wished there were some things you could have implemented. SMWC has enabled many users to do things that SMW could never have done. So as a sort of in the spirit kind of deal, I am working on this to sort of give you that idea.

Growing up, I wanted to make levels. And over time, we received Lunar Magic, and now 2 versions of Mario Maker.

Here's an example of an Air Ship level. Keep in mind, some tiles and other objects are missing. I did run out of time and wanted to add more, but at the very least I could implement:
*3 Game Styles
*Each with 10 Game Themes
*Basic Start, Check Point, and Goal Spheres objects.
*Basic Enemies
*Basic Tiles (ground top/ground, missing corners)
*P-Switch function!
*And some secrets!

Things to work on still:
*Last few objects from SMW need to be converted to SMB.
*Finish SMB3 and work on NSMBU!
*Corner Ground Tiles

Now, consider this a tech demo or something I made because I wanted to make levels that are currently not possible in Mario Maker and potentially do something new and interesting.

So I also made this thread with a poll. That's right. The community can decide a special game style to implement!
So with that said, let's vote!
Option A: Super Mario Bros 2 - This could be an interesting theme.
Option B: Yoshi's Island - A very nice game that I think may be the popular choice.
Option C: Top Secret Area World - ??? Secrets ???

You have until the end of C3 to vote! So best of luck!
If you'd like to help me work on this project, I'll be soon opening it up to open source.

But I'll take some sprite rip assists to make the development process easier. Especially with the possible new theme

By the way, just an aside but you can save it in TXT format. This is so you can upload to your file bin. (doesn't take kindly to JSON format)

Sample levels (not the best, lol):

I wanted to do way more but this is the work of 2 weeks and mad sleepless nights. I hope to revamp some code over time.
Tomorrow I may release SMB3. Depends on feedback and everything. Enjoy!

So that's not all. I'd like to bring up some work I've also been doing. I've planned to do a Minecraft Randomizer for awhile now and it is about time I did what I set out to do. So I am actually working with someone close and whom I am living with on this. <3

Minecraft Randomizer, or name pending on what I decide to name it, is built using Python. You will want version 3 for this to work.

To run this program, you'll want (for now) to make a bat file if you're windows for convenience. Otherwise, you can just simply run it with some parameters in command line.

It will have an interface later, but we are working to get it to that point.

So what are some features? Well you can randomize the following:
*Loot Tables (blocks are apart of the above but it is separated as an option)

Now then, as you might imagine randomizing Minecraft can be a really crazy experience. By a default randomization with no control or checking, it can be downright insane to play. However, at minimal, we make sure each item name is swapped. There's 2 ways to go about this. One way is generating a key file as we go and find items. The other way is giving the program a parameter containing a list of items inside of a file (so you can technically allow any item to be swapped, like bedrock...if you were derp), otherwise it'd only swap what item it can find naturally as far as block drops, loot drops, and recipes go.

Speaking of Bedrock though, there is a exclusion list of things to ignore. Why? Because Chests for example would be really annoying to replace.

Imagine you working so hard to put lots of items in your Shulker Chest. You try to pick it up...and instead, you get a dead bush. Tragic!

So currently we have a list of things to ignore, like air, bedrock, chests, ender chests, and shulker boxes. I might add crafting tables to the mix, but that doesn't matter so much. Because that too is a parameter you can specify by setting up an exclusion json. Like excluding logs to still drop logs so you can still get wood.

I do have a gitlab repository for this and I may have someone join along if they wish to work on this with me if interested.

Current design of sorts:
Minecraft Randomizer!
Below are options to create a unique Minecraft experience!

Randomize Crafting: []
Randomize Block Drops: []
Randomize Loot Tables: []

Unique Blocks (Insanity mode if disabled!): [/]

Randomize items unique to category: []
Super Randomized Crafting (This will make the crafting recipes completely new/unique!): []

===Explaination of options===
(Anything seen like this is a description of its option, shown somewhere. Maybe hover?)

Randomize Crafting/Block Drops/Loot Tables: decides what you want to randomize.

Unique Blocks: makes sure that replaces for cobblestone for pickaxes and say cobblestone stairs, are the same swap (say planks).

Randomize items unique to category: This makes sure that each category has its own unique random per category.

Super Randomized Crafting: This has all crafting shapes and ingredients completely randomized!

Now while I do technically have the program in somewhat of a working state, I'll need more time to get it in a presentable state. Trust me, you'll want some more work done to it. However, as a treat, I am willing to provide datapacks that are randomized. I'll even include my first ever test. Which is hilarious.

I won't say what any of them do. That's for you to discover!

So if you DM me on Discord, I'll send you a few randomized datapacks to play with. Feedback would be much appreciated! I will say that recipes are currently disabled though, so you'll only get: random blocks, random loot drops, etc.

I'll probably post some screenshots, but if anyone wants to do videos or screenshots of their experience, please let me know!

I am also playing with the seed: random
So if you want to play along with me on a particular world, there you go!

Edit: Just want to specify that this can support 1.13 but mostly supports 1.14 at this time.

Edit later post:
Data Packs you can use now!

Now in order to use this, you need to make a datapack. You can make a shell datapack or download this:

Then pop the minecraft folder in the data folder of that, and put that into your datapacks folder of your save!
/reload and you should do well!

Originally posted by Scrydan
Worked on a quick video and some screenshots.
Apoligies for the video. It was quickly thrown together and edited to fit within the 50 MB Discord limit.
Plan to actually upload on Youtube with the full clip then.

Here's some screenshots following a clip showing it off!

Video that cannot be displayed because yay lack of video embed!

Also RIP video that refuses to upload and show off!
Okay, you know what?

I got a surprise. I uploaded this to my Discord Server.

Now in order to use this, you need to make a datapack. You can make a shell datapack or download this:

Then pop the minecraft folder in the data folder of that, and put that into your datapacks folder of your save!
/reload and you should do well!
Where I am found.
I recently saw a video about the Minecraft randomizer and was so excited to use it.

I played with the randomizer datapack earlier today and I had lot of fun with it.
The first seed gave a access to lots of resources and massive food sources but there was no wood so I couldn't continue.

The second one had a sapling with villager loot and since they also drop sapling, I had access to unlimited food and there were multiple ways of getting wood.

Also I'm really impressed with the SMW Mario Maker, how could you do something like this? Can't wait to create levels on this maker. Great stuff.
Originally posted by Fullcannon
I recently saw a video about the Minecraft randomizer and was so excited to use it.

I played with the randomizer datapack earlier today and I had lot of fun with it.
The first seed gave a access to lots of resources and massive food sources but there was no wood so I couldn't continue.

The second one had a sapling with villager loot and since they also drop sapling, I had access to unlimited food and there were multiple ways of getting wood.

Also I'm really impressed with the SMW Mario Maker, how could you do something like this? Can't wait to create levels on this maker. Great stuff.

Thank you so much for the feedback!

I do hope to do a lot with both these projects. It took a lot of work and I hope I can implement a lot of neat features for the Randomizer and add some interesting game styles not currently implemented.
Where I am found.
Worked on a quick video and some screenshots.
Apoligies for the video. It was quickly thrown together and edited to fit within the 50 MB Discord limit.
Plan to actually upload on Youtube with the full clip then.

Here's some screenshots following a clip showing it off!

Video that cannot be displayed because yay lack of video embed!
I have been focusing some more on the Randomizer and I'd like to actually take this time to ask for Beta Testers.

Users who are willing to do some things and test the results of the Minecraft Randomizer.

Features implemented currently:
*You can set the seed of the randomizer via the seed argument
*You can update the lists of excluded and included items in the JSON to randomize.

And a couple more I should be able to throw in a couple of hours.

Ideally I'd like 3-5 active and communicative Beta Testers. So first come first serve basically.
Where I am found.
Well I was hoping my video would have uploaded by now to show off in full what I can do currently [or like can do days ago, more options now] but I guess that's that.

C3 ends soon!

So instead I hope to make a new thread soon showing off way more than shown here.

Also want to point out that I wasn't even aware of Seth's video until today. I am not up to date with him anymore.
Funny coincidence but yeah. I got logs dating before the video went up. Just in case people wondered.

It was always planned to do random drops and random recipes.
Where I am found.
This SMWC Maker looks pretty neat, but there's one part of it that I'm still confused about...

Is it a SMM-themed SMW level editor or is it a Lunar Magic-themed SMM level editor?
In a way, it is its own thing. You got things (or will) you can place in Lunar Magic and yet the game styles of Mario Maker 2. It is planned to be a hybrid of sorts.

However, the menu design by far isn't final. I haven't had enough time to finish my actual deaign. I did want some scroll menu so I sort of done that.

If someone wants to work with me on it, I plan to open source it. In meantime they can suggest code or any help they can offer.
Where I am found.
I said it in Discord but I want to post it here in case I forget. I do have intentions to allow Resource Packs to be randomized as well. Along with that, item names displayed will be random as well if you want to further confuse yourself for whatever reason.

I made some progress and didn't have Youtube upload my video at this point. But I might consider doing a livestream after awhile to just show some stuff off for like 20-30 minutes, maybe more if I have requests made.

Open to Suggestions and whatnot.
Where I am found.
After designing levels in GIMP, 5+ months up until MM2 launch, this hurts my soul that you've just now released this \(TT^TT)/
It's beautiful...
"This is just a level maker, but it doesn't allow any gameplay" (or at least, is similar to what is written on screenshot)

Wait... this means that with this Editor, we cannot play any level that we create?
That SMWC Maker really impresses me a lot! Nice one, Scrydan!
C3 THREADS: Layout Requests | The Hacking of PuyoPuyo | ??? 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
Help us raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. #ДопомагаємоРазом / #HelpTogether
“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
Originally posted by Danielsonic 87
"This is just a level maker, but it doesn't allow any gameplay" (or at least, is similar to what is written on screenshot)

Wait... this means that with this Editor, we cannot play any level that we create?

Not unless a level player is made. This is a pure editor. Someone would need to make an engine and it usually risks the wraith of Nintendo.

So I finished with a block tester generator with the Minecraft Randomizer. With this, you can use an mcfunction to generate an area to test every block. You can also test any item soon.

I will stream the Randomizer on YT or Discord. Let me know what would be a better option.

With this forum closing soon, I will create new threads for both the Randomizer and Maker. I will edit this post with the link or get an admin who can.

SMWC Maker Link
Randomizer Link - ScryCrafter
Where I am found.
Aww, so it doesn't allow you to play stages?
Dude, if you make this and a player thing, be sure to let me know!
Please pardon the eye.
Like the main reason stated, won't be able to add a player. Not without some way of ensuring Nintendo won't nuke it. lol

But maybe. It depends. I do have a surprise left still.

And now I made threads for the two projects. So feel free to continue discussion there.
Where I am found.

Super Mario WorldSuper Mario Maker 2DemoScreenshotsOther