Updated October 12th @ 12:15 PM EST: Clarified that custom graphics are allowed instead of including it under an "etc.", and also clarified that "you may have up to 4 exits" means up to 4 level-ending exits.

The moon has risen and the Halloween Level Design Contest is up and running!
I'm Ryaa (pronounced like "Rye-yah"), and I am very excited to be bringing this event to you this year! To keep it short and simple, HLDC will be a contest that isn't just focused on who can figure out the best level design, but also who can stay true to the Halloween theme of this contest with any sort of level creation that they want. You may vaguely of know this concept as a CLDC, and yes, that is exactly what this is. The CLDC acronym stands for "Chocolate Level Design Contest" which means that there are no limits to assets used in this contest whatsoever. There are also no plans to make this into a collaboration hack of any kind, as its format does not allow for easy compilation. Without further delay, let's dive right into the rules.
General Rules
While you have the creative freedom to do whatever you please, there will be a few minor restrictions.
You CAN:
• Use any custom resource that you see fit. (music/graphics/blocks/sprites/patches/etc.)
• Work alone or with 1 partner, for a maximum total of 2 people per entry.
• Have up to 4 level-ending exits. This includes any combination of goal tapes, goal spheres, keyholes, switch palaces, or other LM 3.0 methods of triggering level exits.
• Submit more than 1 entry.
• Submit a Kaizo level.
• Submit a previously released level.
• Have your entry split across multiple levels on the overworld.
This year, we'll have 3 judges! Our current line-up is Syndrilevosse, FPzero and myself.
Design: 50 Points
Does the level have setups in place that make it fun to play through?
Creativity: 20 Points
How in-depth are your ideas? Did you use any gimmicks or plot setups that make your level stand out?
Aesthetics: 20 Points
Do the graphics, music and setting properly suit the theme that the level aims for?
Theme: 10 Points
Is the level on par with the Halloween theme? Does the level have features that really make it stand out in this way?
Each Category adds up to a grand total of 100 points.
The top 3 entrants will be rewarded with brand new trophies made for this contest. They will also be eligible to select a game they want from a list of codes. The trophies for this contest are currently being worked on and will be revealed soon.
Submission Rules
When preparing your entry for submission, compile it into a zip file or 7-zip archive containing the following:
• Your entry as a .bps file. The .bps file should be patched to a clean Super Mario World ROM, and should be created using Floating IPS.
• A .txt file containing the following info:
Attach this file in a reply to this post in order to enter!
DO NOT under any circumstances submit your entry as a .ips file. This will result in a disqualification.
Tip: You can upload your entry file to your file bin for easy access to your entry!
The submission period will end on November 12th (18:00:00 UTC)
Discord Channels
As with every recent contest, the Discord server will have corresponding channels specifically for this contest:
#hldc-discussion (The general purpose channel to ask any questions that the judges can see without risk of spoilers.)
#hldc-showoff (The channel where you can post progress images from your entries.)
These channels can be found under the new HLDC Category!
There will be semi-frequent reminders about this contest posted in #announcements in the Discord, so keep an eye out for those and good luck!
The moon has risen and the Halloween Level Design Contest is up and running!
I'm Ryaa (pronounced like "Rye-yah"), and I am very excited to be bringing this event to you this year! To keep it short and simple, HLDC will be a contest that isn't just focused on who can figure out the best level design, but also who can stay true to the Halloween theme of this contest with any sort of level creation that they want. You may vaguely of know this concept as a CLDC, and yes, that is exactly what this is. The CLDC acronym stands for "Chocolate Level Design Contest" which means that there are no limits to assets used in this contest whatsoever. There are also no plans to make this into a collaboration hack of any kind, as its format does not allow for easy compilation. Without further delay, let's dive right into the rules.
General Rules
While you have the creative freedom to do whatever you please, there will be a few minor restrictions.
You CAN:
• Use any custom resource that you see fit. (music/graphics/blocks/sprites/patches/etc.)
• Work alone or with 1 partner, for a maximum total of 2 people per entry.
• Have up to 4 level-ending exits. This includes any combination of goal tapes, goal spheres, keyholes, switch palaces, or other LM 3.0 methods of triggering level exits.
• Submit more than 1 entry.
• Submit a Kaizo level.
• Submit a previously released level.
• Have your entry split across multiple levels on the overworld.
This year, we'll have 3 judges! Our current line-up is Syndrilevosse, FPzero and myself.
Design: 50 Points
Does the level have setups in place that make it fun to play through?
Creativity: 20 Points
How in-depth are your ideas? Did you use any gimmicks or plot setups that make your level stand out?
Aesthetics: 20 Points
Do the graphics, music and setting properly suit the theme that the level aims for?
Theme: 10 Points
Is the level on par with the Halloween theme? Does the level have features that really make it stand out in this way?
Each Category adds up to a grand total of 100 points.
The top 3 entrants will be rewarded with brand new trophies made for this contest. They will also be eligible to select a game they want from a list of codes. The trophies for this contest are currently being worked on and will be revealed soon.
Submission Rules
When preparing your entry for submission, compile it into a zip file or 7-zip archive containing the following:
• Your entry as a .bps file. The .bps file should be patched to a clean Super Mario World ROM, and should be created using Floating IPS.
• A .txt file containing the following info:
-Your username(s)
-Level Name
-Exit Count
-Trigger Warnings (If any)
-Level Name
-Exit Count
-Trigger Warnings (If any)
Attach this file in a reply to this post in order to enter!
DO NOT under any circumstances submit your entry as a .ips file. This will result in a disqualification.
Tip: You can upload your entry file to your file bin for easy access to your entry!
The submission period will end on November 12th (18:00:00 UTC)
Discord Channels
As with every recent contest, the Discord server will have corresponding channels specifically for this contest:
#hldc-discussion (The general purpose channel to ask any questions that the judges can see without risk of spoilers.)
#hldc-showoff (The channel where you can post progress images from your entries.)
These channels can be found under the new HLDC Category!
There will be semi-frequent reminders about this contest posted in #announcements in the Discord, so keep an eye out for those and good luck!